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fiahdf.a ksji wi, kjd;eka
f.k isá <ud wmpdr iellrejl=
.ek fmd,sia‌ wei''

w;awvx.=fõ miqfjk iellrejka
fofokd .ek idla‌Is kE''

fldgfoKshdj nv,a.u§ fiahd oeßh wìryia‌ wkaoñka >d;kh lsÍfï isoaêh iïnkaOfhka mÍla‍IK mj;ajk fmd,sish fuu oeßhf.a ksji wdikakfha kjd;ekaf.k isá <ud wmpdr lSmhlg iïnkaO iellrejl= fidhd mq¿,a mÍla‍IK wdrïN lr we;'

fuu iellre .ïmy m%foaYfha mÈxÑlrejl= jk w;r Tyq ld,iSudfõ ;djld,slj kjd;eka f.k isg we;af;a Tyqf.a fidfydhqßhg wh;a fldgfoKshdj nv,a.u m%foaYfha msysá ksjilh' tu ksji fiahd mÈxÑj isá ksji wdikakfha msysgd ;sfnk njo mÍla‍IKj,ska fy<s ù we;'

iellre .ïmy m%foaYfha§ oeßhka fofokl= meyerf.k f.dia‌ úúO w;jrhkag ,la‌ lr Tjqka fj,ahdhl w;yer oud .sh isoaêhla‌ iïnkaOfhka nkaOkd.dr.;j isg wem u; meñK isá nj fy<s ù ;sfí'

.ïmy m%foaYfha fudyqg Ôj;a ùug fkdyels ksid ish ke.Kshf.a ksjfia ;djld,slj kjd;ekaf.k isá njo wkdjrKh ù we;'

fuu iellre ms<sn|j ,enqKq f;dr;=rla‌ u; úfYaI fmd,sia‌ lKa‌vdhï lSmhla‌ fudyq fidhd fufyhqï wdrïN lr we;s w;r iellref.a fidfydhqßhf.ka o m%Yak lr ;sfí'

fiahd oeßh >d;kh l< ia‌jNdjh wkqj l< mÍla‍Idjl§ fuu iellre ms<sn|j fmd,sishg iel u;=ù ;sìKs' wmrdO mÍla‍IK fomd¾;fïka;=j iy úfYaI fmd,sia‌ lKa‌vdhï ;=kla‌ fï iïnkaOfhka mÍla‍IK mj;ajdf.k h;s'

fiahd >d;k isoaêh iïnkaOfhka iellrejka fofokl= óg fmr fmd,sia‌ w;awvx.=jg m;a jQ w;r Tjqka nkaOkd.dr.; flßKs'

tu iellrejka fofokd fiahd >d;khg iïnkaO jQ njg fuf;la‌ idla‍Is lsisjla‌ fy<sù fkdue;s njo fmd,sish mjihs'


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