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f;jrmafmreuf.a yoj; r;afjhs
ÿIKh l< nj lshk ldka;djla
.dÆfudaor jeà isáh§
uka;%Sjrhd Wmldr

.dÆfudaor msáfha ldka;djla Èk tlyudrla ;siafia jeà isákq oelakg ,enqKd'tfy;a lsisfjl=;a fï ldka;djg irK fkdjQ w;r uyd j¾Idjgo weh f;fuk yeá fndfyda fokd n,df.k isáhd'

ldka;djg isÿj we;s lrorh .ek fidhdne,Sug md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S md,s; f;jrmafmreu W;aidy lrk ùäfhdajla wka;¾cd,hg uqodyer ;sfnkjd'

fuu ldka;dj uqyqK md isák lrorh .ek uka;%Sjrhd È.ska È.gu úuid isák njla ùäfhdafjka olakg ,efnkjd' tfy;a ldka;dj uqKska w;r jeà uyfmdf<dfõ jeis jefgoa§ lsis;a fkdlshd isákjd' fï fj,dfõ wi< ñksiqka mjd tu ia:dkhg weú;a uka;%Sjrhdg fï ldka;dj .ek úia;r lshkjd'

miqj fï ldka;dj ;uka uqyqK mE lrorh uka;%Sjrhdg fy<slrkjd' uka;%Sjrhd tu ia:dkhg meñK we;af;a Tyqf.a ñ;=frl= yuqùug lsh,hs wdrxÑ' b;ska Tyq fï ldka;dj oel Wmldr l<;a fmd,sish;a wyl n,df.k isáhd lsh,d t;k§ lshfjkjd' fï ldka;dj fiajh l< ia:dkfha whs;slre ;uka ¥IKh l< nj;a" yïnkaf;dg isg meñKs nj;a uka;%Sjrhdg fy<s lrkjd'

tys § uka;%Sjrhd wehg wjYHlrk ikSmdrlaIlghq;= i,id tf;la ksodf.k isá.Æfudaor fmd,sish leojd kS;sh jyd l%shd;aul lrkf,i lghq;= lr wehj fmd,sishg ndrÿka wdldrh tu úäfhdafõ oElafõkjd

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