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tlai;a cd;Skaf.a uyd uKav,hg
iyNd.S jQfhazks, wdrdOkhla u;hs''

.sh frðuhg jvd wms fjkia''
rfÜ iuDoaêhg Wjukd foa bf.k .;a;d''
oeka rgg jevla lrkak mq¿jka''

;uka tlai;a cd;Skaf.a uyd uKav,hg iyNd.S jQfha ;u ujg iyNd.S ùug fkdyels jQ neúka ;ukg ta i|yd ks, wdrdOkhla ,enqkq ksid hhs ckm;s mq;a oyï isßfiak mjihs'

ish f*aianqla .sKqu yryd igykla ;nñka th {d;s ix.%yhla jkafka flfiaoehs m‍%YaK lrhs'

oyï isßfiak z{d;s ix.‍%yhz hk jpkho w¾: ksrEmkh lrñka mjikafka {d;s ix.%yfha ienE wre; kï n,h wjNdú; lrñka hfula orejka" {d;Ska iy hdÆ ñ;%d§kag jdis iy.; jk whqßka n,mEï lsÍu njhs'

;ukag iyi% ixj¾Ok wNsu;d¾: fjkqfjka ;dreKHg fjka lr ;snQ iuq¿jgo iyNd.sùug wjia:dj ,enqK nj;a tys§ rgg jeo.;a wruqKq ms<sn|j wjfndaOhla ,nd.; yels jQ nj;a mjik ckm;s mq;= ;uka we;=¿ mjqf,a idudðlhka ysgmq frÔuh yd iei£fuka j,lsk f,i b,a,d isák nj;a ;u mjq, Tjqkag jvd fndfyda fjkia njo i|yka lr we;'

ish iyNd.S;ajh iDKd;aul jkafka flfiaoehs hkqfjka Tyq i|yka lr we;s w;r tfiau ish iyNd.S;ajh rgg Okd;aul jQ nj;a oyï i|yka lrhs'

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