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wud;H uKav, úIhkaf.a 
.eiÜ m;%h ksl=;a fõ

cd;sl wdKavqfõ wud;HxYj,g wh;a wdh;k iy wud;Hjrekaf.a úIh m:hka fjka lsÍug wod< .eiÜ ksfõokh wo m‍%ldYhg m;a úh'

ta wkqj Y%S ,xld uy nexl=j" Y%S ,xld iq/l=ï m;a úksuh fldñIka iNdj" cd;sl ;reK fiajd iNdj" fiajd kshqla;slhskaf.a Ndr wruqo," uyck Wmfhda.s;d fldñIka iNdj we;=¿ wdh;k 20 la cd;sl m%;sm;a;s yd wd¾:sl lghq;= wud;H Oqrh orK w.%dud;H rks,a úl%uisxy uy;dg wh;a h'

isú,a .=jka fiajd wêldßh" iSudiys; .=jka f;dgqfmd< yd .=jka fiajd iud.u wh;a jkafka" m%jdyk wud;H ksu,a isßmd, o is,ajd uy;dg jk w;r fmd,sia fomd¾;fïka;=j" wka;rdhlr T!IO md,l uKav,h" nkaOkd.dr fomd¾;fïka;=j" we;=¿ wdh;k kS;sh" iduh iy nkaOkd.dr m%;sixialrK wud;H ;s,la udrmk uy;dg wh;a fõ'

uyd NdKavd.drh" f¾.=j" iqrdnÿ fomd¾;fïka;=j" foaYSh wdodhï fomd¾;fïka;=j" Y%S ,xld rlaIK uKav,h" cd;sl f,d;/hs uKav,h" ixj¾k f,d;/hs uKav,h" rdcH uqo,a fomd¾;fïka;=j we;=¿ wdh;k 26 la uqo,a wud;H rù lreKdkdhl uy;dg wh;aj ;sfí'

ishÆu rdcH nexl=" Y%S ,xlka iy ñyska ,xld iud.ï" Y%S ,xld rlaIK ixia:dj we;=¿ wdh;k 19 la rdcH jHjidh ixj¾Ok wud;H lî¾ yISï uy;dg wh;a wdh;k fõ' ú.uk fomd¾;fïka;=j" mqoa.,hska ,shdmÈxÑ lsÍfï fomd¾;fïka;=j" cd;sl fl!;=ld.dr fomd¾;fïka;=j wh;a jkafka wNHka;r lghq;=" jhU ixj¾Ok iy ixialD;sl lghq;= wud;H tia'î' kdúkak uy;dg wh;a wdh;k h'

kd.ßl ixj¾Ok wêldß" Y%S ,xld bvï f.dv lsÍfï iy ixj¾Okh lsÍfï ixia:dj" cd;sl fN!;sl ie,iqï fomd¾;fïka;=j hk wdh;k uyd k.r iy niakdysr ixj¾Ok wud;H mdG,S pïmsl rKjl uy;dg wh;a wdh;k fõ'

i;a;aj ksIamdok yd fi!LH fomd¾;fïka;=j" cd;sl mYq iïm;a ixj¾Ok uKav,h yd wdY%s; iud.ï yd ù wf,ú uKav,h we;=¿ wdh;k 10 la .%dóh wd¾:sl ms<sn| wud;H mS' yeßika uy;dg wh;aj ;sfí'

uOHu ixialD;sl wruqo, wh;a jkafka" wOHdmk wud;H wls, úrdÊ ldßhjiï uy;dg h'

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