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,xldfjs fhdackdjg weußldfõ 
mQ¾K iydh

Y%S ,xldjg i;Hh" idOdrKh" ydks mQrKh yd w;S; isÿùï h<s isÿfkdjk f,i ixys¢hdj yd ;sridr iduh yd iuDoaêh ishÆ Y%S ,dxlslhkg ysñjk mßÈ Y%S ,xldj yd wfma yjq,alrejkao iu. iqúfYaI fhdackdjla tlai;a cd;Skaf.a udkj ysñlï fldñiug bÈßm;a lsÍug yelsù hehs weußld rdcH f,alï fcdaka flÍ fjdIsxgka w.kqjr isg úfYaI ksfõokhla ksl=;a lf<ah'

fhdackdfõ i|yka wem lemùu ms<sìUq jk wdldrfhka fhdackdfõ iu fhdaclhd f,i Y%S ,xldj tlaùfuka wm ieug tlaj jev lsÍfï yelshdj fmkajd § we;ehso Tyq lshhs'

Y%S ,xldfõ Yla;sh fndfyda ld,hla Wrdfndñka we;s l< fnÿïjd§ ms<sfj;ska bj;aù rg idufha udj;g fhduq l< wjia:d foll§ Pkaoh § we;ehso Tyq lshhs'
Y%S ,dxlslhkaf.a mqoa., ksoyi h<s we;s lr m%cd;ka;%jdoh h<s Yla;su;a lsÍu i|ydjk fhdackdjg weußldfõ iydh h<s ,efnk nj;a w;S;fha fõokdldÍ w;aoelSï h<s we;s fkdfõjdhs m%d¾:kh lrk nj;a flÍ lSfõh'
wka;¾cd;sl iydfhka Y%S ,xldfõ wêlrK l%shdj,sh úYajdiodhl f,i t<shg f.k hdfï jeo.;alu fï fhdackdfjka fmkajk njo Tyqf.a ksfõokfha oelafõ'
w;=reokajQ ;u m%shhka ms<sn|j f;dr;=re tu mjq,aj,g ,nd.ekSug fï fhdackdj WmldÍjk njo f.!rjkSh f,i yd jD;a;Sh uÜgfuka ;u l%shdl,dmh yuqod idudðlhka we;=¿ wdrlaIdj ,eìh hq;= ishÆ lS¾;sh /l.ksñka i;Hh" idOdrKh" ydks mQrKh yd h<s tjeks foa isÿfkdùfï ud¾.hg msúiSfï yelshdjo ta fhdackdfjka Y%S ,xldjg ysñjk nj flÍf.a ksfõokfha oelafõ'
Y%S ,xldj fuu wNsfhda.ldÍ mshjr bÈßhg ;eîu iïnkaOfhka weußld tlai;a ckmoh ksrka;rfhkau iydh §ug wem lemù isà' ‍
fï jir uq,§ ta nj uu fld<U§ Y%S  ,xld rchg okajd isáfhñ'
ol=Kq wdishd lghq;= ms<sn| tlai;a cd;Skaf.a iyldr f,alï ksYd ìiajd,af.a Üúg¾ wvúfha fcdaka flÍf.a ksfõokh olajd ;snqKs'

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