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fiahdf.a >d;kh .ek
md¾,sfïka;=fõ úfYaI m%ldYh

fldgfoKshdfõ fiahd ifoõñ oeßh >d;khg ,laù wog Èk 11la' fmd,Sish i|yka lf<a ;jÿrg;a >d;kh iïnkaOfhka m%foaYjdiSkaf.ka m%ldY igyka lr.ksñka isák njhs' tfukau fldgfokshdj m%foaYfha iy wjg m‍%foaYj, <ud wmpdr isoaëka j,g iïnkaO mqoa.,hka lsysm fofkl= iïnkaOfhka o mÍlaIk lKavdhïj, wjOdkh fhduqj we;s nj mÍlaIK fufyh jk fcHIaG fmd,sia ks,Odßfhl= ioyka l<d'

fuu >d;k isoaêh iïnkaOfhka od 17 yeúßÈ mdi,a isiqfjl= iy tlaore msfhl= w;awvx.=jg .ekSfuka miq iel lghq;= ;j;a 10 fofkl=f.ka muK fï jk úg;a m%Yak lr m%ldY igyka lrf.k we;s njhs Tyq lshd isáfha' tfiau iellrejka fofokd Bfha úfYaI ffjoH mÍlaIKhla i|yd ó.uqj Èia;‍%sla frdayf,a m‍%Odk wêlrK ffjoH ks,Odßjrhd fj; fhduq flreKd' 

fï w;r wo md¾,sfïka;=fõ§o fiahd ifoõñ oeßhf.a >d;kh iïnkaOfhka woyia m<jqKd' kS;sh yd iduh iy nkaOkd.dr m‍%;sixialrK wud;H ;s,la udrmk ta ms<sn|j úfYaI m‍%ldYhla isÿlrñka lshd isáfha ldka;djkag iy orejkag isÿjk w;jr iïnkaOfhka úêu;a mshjr .ekSu i|yd úfYaI leìkÜ wkqlñgqjlao m;a lrk njhs'

fï w;r fiahd ifoõñ >d;khg úfrdaOh m< lrñka u;=.u" uyshx.Kh" oUq,a," yd,swe, iy cdwe, hk m‍%foaYj, wo;a úfrdaO;d meje;ajqKd'


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