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ck;d Pkaofhka 196la
cd;sl ,ehsia;=fjka 29la
md¾,sfïka;=jg hjk 15
jeks ue;sjrKh wohs

myf<dia jeks md¾,sfïka;=fõ uka;%Sjreka 225la f;dard m;alr .ekSu i|yd jk uy ue;sjrKh wo ^17& meje;afõ'

uka;%Sjre 225la f;dard m;a lr .ekSu i|yd fujr Pkaoodhlhka 15044490 fofklao Pkaoh Ndú;d lsÍu i|yd ,shdmÈxÑ ù isá;s'

ue;sjrK Èia;%slal 22la ;=< mj;ajkq ,nk fï ue;sjrKfha§ ck;djf.a Pkaofhka tl t,af,au uka;%Sjreka 196 fofkl=o cd;sl ,ehsia;=fjka uka;%Sjreka 29lao f;dard m;alsÍug kshñ;h'

ms<s.;a foaYmd,k mlaI 35la yd iajdëk lKavdhï 201l wfmalaIlhka 6151la fujr ;r. lr;s'

ms<s.;a foaYmd,k mlaIj,ska kdufhdackd m;% 300la o iajdëk lKavdhïj,ska kdufhdackd m;% 201la o bÈßm;a lr we;'

tlai;a ck;d ksoyia ikaOdkh" tlai;a cd;sl mlaIh" ck;d úuqla;s fmruqK yd fmrgq.dñ iudcjd§ mlaIh ue;sjrK Èia;%slal 22 i|ydu ;r. lr;s' m%Odk jYfhka ;r.h meje;afjkafka tcdmh yd tcksi w;rh' w.ue;s rks,a úl%uisxy uy;d tcdmfhao ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d ikaOdkfha ue;sjrK jHdmdrh fufyhjQy'

ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d ;ud kdhl;ajh fok ikaOdkfha Pkao lghq;=j, fkdfh§ iajdëkj lghq;= lsÍu úfYaI;ajhls'

ue;sjrK Èia;%slal uÕska f;dard m;alsÍug ysñlï we;s uka;%Sjrekaf.a ixLHdj fufiah'

fld<U 19

.ïmy 18

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uykqjr 12

ud;f,a 5

kqjrt<sh 8

.d,a, 10

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yïnkaf;dg 7

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wkqrdOmqr 9

fmdf<dkakrej 5

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lE.,a, 9

fujr jeäu lKavdhï .Kkla ;r. lrkafka fld<U Èia;%slalh i|ydh' lKavdhï 36l wfmalaIlhska 792la fld<Ug ;r. lr;s' wvqu lKavdhï m%udKhla tkï 11la fmdf<dkakrej Èia;%slalhg ;r. lr;s'

wo ^17& Wfoa 7'00 isg iji 4'00 olajd Pkaoh Ndú;d lsÍug wjia:dj ,nd§ we;' Wfokau ;u Pkao uOHia:dkhg f.dia Pkaoh Ndú;d lrk f,i ue;sjrK flduidßia uyskao foaYm%sh uy;d b,a,d isà'

fujr uy ue;sjrKh fjk;a ue;sjrKj,g jvd m%pKav l%shdj,ska fndfydau wvq nj ue;sjrK ksÍlaIK lKavdhïj, u;h ù ;sfí'

ksoyia yd idOdrK ue;sjrKhla meje;aùug wjYH mshjr f.k we;s nj m%ldY lrk ue;sjrK flduidßiajrhd fyg w¨‍hu jkúg m%:u ue;sjrK m%;sM, ksl=;a l< yels nj lshd isà'

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