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ISIS ;%ia;hska iu ,sx.slhska
f,i yeisreKq ;reKhska fofofkl=

Wi f.dvke.s,a,lska my,g ;,aÆ lr
.,a .id urd ouhs''

fuf,ÉP bia,dï ;%ia;jd§ ixúOdkhla jkISIS ixúOdkh fï jk úu uq¿ f,dalhgu ysirohla njg m;afjñka we;' wkd.;fha§ bia,dóh wêrdcHhla we;s lsÍu Tjqkaf.a wruqK nj fï jk úg f,djg wkdjrKh ù we;'

ISIS ;%ia;hska úiska bÈßfha§ hg;a lr .ekSug n,dfmdfrd;a;=jk rgj,a ,l=Kq lrñka miq.shod ksl=;a l< is;shula u.ska Tjqkf.a wkd.; wruqK ukdj meyeÈ,s úh' Tjqka jir 2020 § w,a,d.kakg hk rgj,a w;r Y%S ,xldj;a ,l=Kq lr ;sîu ms<sn|j fndfyda fofkla w;r l;dnyla we;s lsÍug iu;a úh'

bia,dóh rdcH ;%ia;jd§kaf.a fuf,ÉP l%shdjka u¾Okh lsÍu ioyd f,dj mqrd rgj,a lsysmhlau uq,aù fï jk úg lghq;= lrñka isák kuq;a ld,h mqrdjgu ISISixúOdkfha j¾Okhla ñi miqneiSula olakg fkd,eìks' Tjqkaf.a ke.S isàug uqyqK§ .; fkdyelsj isßhdkq rcfha yuqodjo miq.shod k.r lsysmhla w;yer miqnei .sh nj jd¾;d úh'

fï w;r Èfkl ;j;a fuf,ÉP l%shdjla isÿlÍu ksidfjka ISIS ;%ia;hska ms<sn|j kej;;a f,djmqrd l;dnyg ,laúh'

Tjqka isßhdfõ§ ;reKhska fofofkl= >d;kh lr we;s w;r th isÿfldg we;af;a WiajQ f.dvke.s,a,lska ;reKhka my;g oeófukah' Tjqka fofokdf.a oEia ne| fuf,i ìufy<d we;s w;r miqj Tjqkag ., wudkqIsl f,i >d;kh lr ;sfnk nj;a jd¾;d fõ'

fuf,i ;reKhska fofokd urdoukakg ù we;af;a Tjqka iu,sx.slhska f,i yeisÍ ISIS;%ia;hskag yiqjQ ksid njhs úfoia udOH jd¾;d lrkafka' flfia kuq;a fuf,i wudkqIsl whqßka ñksiqka >d;kh lsÍu iïnkaOfhka fndfyda rgj,a ISIS ;%ia;hskag fodaIdfrdamK t,a,lr ;snqKs'

fï w;r ,xldfõ iuyr Èia;%slal j,o bia,dóh rdcH ;%ia;hkag iïnkaO msßia l%shd;aul fjñka mj;sk nj nqoaê wxY j,g jd¾;d ù we;s w;r .=jka úÿ,s kd,sldjla úiskao ,xldfõ ysi Tijñka mj;sk bia,dï ;%ia;jdoh ms<sn`oj rgg wkdjrKh lf<ah'

fï ms<snoj rch jydu wjOdkh fhduq l< hq;= w;r tfia fkdjqkfyd;a ,xldjo wkd.;fha§ isßhdjla njg m;aùu je,elaúh fkdyels jkq we;'

ISIS ;%ia;hka úiska ;/Khka fofokd >d;kh lrk wdldrh my;ska''

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