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tlake<Sf.dv meyer.;a
fookl= w;awvx.=jg

2010 ckjdß udifha isg w;=reoykaj isák udOHfõ§ m%.S;a tlake,sf.dv uy;d meyerf.k .sh njg ielflfrk fou, cd;slhska fofofkl= wdrlaIl wxY úiska Bfha w;a wvx.=jg f.k we;hs b;d úYajdijka; lghq;= wdrxÑ ud¾. wkdjrK lr ;sfnkjd'

fudjqka fofokd hqO yuqod nqoaê wxYhg wkqhqla;j fiajh l, wh njhs jd¾;djkafka'

fudjqka fofokd úiska rdc.sßfha§ meyer.;a tlake,sf.dv uy;d"  ñkafkaßh yuqod l|jqrg /f.k f.dia yuqodfõ l¾k,ajreka fofofkl=g ndr§ we;'wo Èkfha Tjqka fofokd o w;a wvx.=jg .ekSug kshñ;h nj by; wdrxÑud¾. jeäÿrg;a mjihs'

tÈk m%.S;a meyerf.k hdug meñKs lKavdhu ta ioyd Ndú;d l< ÿrl:kfhka wjika weu;=u ,ndf.k we;af;a nluqK m%foaYfha§h'm%.S;a meyer.ekSu iïnkaOfhka l< fmd,sia mÍlaIK  ;snqk o fuu meyer.ekSu .ek fndfyda f;dr;=re bÈß i;s lsysmh ;=< fy<sorjq jkq we;s njhs jd¾;djkafka'

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