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,dxlslhkag fldßhdfõ
fiajh l<yels ld,h
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ol=Kq fldßhdfõ fiajh lrk Y%S ,dxlslhkag trg fiajh l<yels Wmßu ld,h f,i fuf;la olajd ;snq jir 4 udi 7l ld,hg wu;rj ;j;a jir 5la ,nd §ug trg rch ;SrKh lr ;sfí'

m<uq jrg ol=Kq fldßhdfõ /lshdjg f.dia .súiqu wkqj jir 3lska wdmiq meñK, fiajdfhdaclhdf.a leue;a; wkqj ;j;a udi 19la fiajh l< yels fõ' ta wkqj jir 4hs udi 7la imsf¾'

kuq;a fiajlhskag wjYH kï ;j;a jir 5l ld,hla Tjqka ;nd .ekSug fiajdfhdaclhdg yelshdj mj;S'

fï i|yd kej; ,xldjg meñ”ug fmr fldßhdfõ§ .súiqu w;aika lr meñKsh hq;=h' bkamiq ta ms,sn| Èk 2-3la we;=,; yels blaukska úfoaY fiajd kshqla;s ld¾hdxYh oekqj;a l< hq;=h'

ta wkqj Y%S ,dxlslfhl=g jir 10lg wdikak ld,hla trg /£ isàfï yelshdj mj;S'

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