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mhd., m%foaYfha
13 yeúßÈ nd, jhialdr
Èh‚hg mshdf.ka Èh‚hla

kegqï Ys,amshl= jQ ;u ieñhdf.a iy ;u 13 yeúßÈ nd, jhialdr Èh‚hf.a iïnkaOhla fmd,sishg jika l< mhd., m%foaYfha 37 yeúßÈ ujla t<fUk 31 jeksod olajd rlaIs; nkaOkd.dr .; lrk f,i l¿;r w;sf¾l ufyia;%d;a wfhaId wdíÈka uy;añh ksfhda. lr ;sfnkjd'

mshd úiska oy;=ka yeúßÈ Èh‚h ¥IKh lsÍfuka wehg Èh‚hla ,eîu;a tu oeßh yodjvd .ekSug fjk;a ldka;djlg Ndr§u;a ieÕùu iïnkaOfhka l¿;r <ud yd ldka;d ld¾hdxYh w;awvx.=jg .;a tu nd, jhialdr oeßhf.a uj fufia rlaIs; nkaOkd.dr.; lsÍug w;sf¾l ufyia;%d;ajßh ksfhda. l<d'

;siawg yeúßÈ ;u ieñhd nd, jhialdßhl jQ 13 yeúßÈ Èh‚h iuÕ mekf.dia we;ehs mhd., fmd,sishg meñ‚,s lsÍug meñŒfuka miq nkaOkd.dr .;jQ ldka;djf.ka fuu f;dr;=re wkdjrKh ù ;sfnkjd'

13 yeúßÈ Èh‚h mdif,a 8 jif¾ bf.kqu ,noa§ wef.a mshdf.ka ¥IKhg ,laj 2014-10-17 Èk fydaud.u frdayf,a§ Èh‚hl m%iQ; lr ;sfnkjd'

wehj orelug yod .ekSug fjk;a ldka;djlg Ndr§ oy;=ka yeúßÈ Èh‚h ieñhdf.ka fírd .ekSug fydrK m%foaYfha ksfjil .Dy fiajhg k;r l< nj ßudkaâ .; uj fy<s l<d' Èfkl ;u ieñhd Èh‚hj fydrK m%foaYfha ksfjiska /f.k m,d f.dia we;s njg mhd., fmd,sishg meñ‚,s lsÍfuka miq fuu mqj; fy<s jqKd'

m%foaYfha úúO W;aijj, tu mshd iy Èh‚h kegqï ikao¾Yk bÈßm;a lr we;s w;r ikao¾Ykj,ska miq rd;%s ld,fha§ mshd oeßh ¥IKh lr fydr wUqj f,i ;ndf.k we;ehs fmd,sia mÍlaIKj,ska fy<sj ;sfnkjd'

rlaIs; nkaOkd.dr .;l< ldka;djf.a wjqreÿ 09la jhie;s msßñ orejd iy oeßhg Wmka oi udihla jQ ì,s¢h ielldßhf.a {d;Ska Ndrhg m;a lrk f,i o w;sf¾l ufyia;%d;ajßh ksfhda. l<d'

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