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uyskaog tfrys
Woaf>daIK ueoska
;cqãkaf.a isrer f.dv .kshs
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óg jir ;=klg fmr >d;khg ,lajQ r.¾ l%Svl fudfyduâ jiSï ;cqãkaf.a uD; foayh óg iq¿ fufyd;lg fmr h<s f.dvf.k ;sfí'

Tyqf.a isrer f.dv .ekqfka fld<U ufyaia;%d;a wêlrKfha wjirh u;h'

wo fuu ia:dkhg úYd, msßila reiaj we;s w;r ndOdjlska f;drj tu lghq;= lr .ekSug iïmQ¾K fmd,sia wdrlaIdjla fhdod we;s njo mejfia'

;dcqãkaf.a uD; YÍrh f.dv.ekSfuka miq jeäÿr mÍlaIK i|yd th h<s mÍlaIK flfrk ia:dkh fj; f.k hkq ,efí'

th ;ekam;a lr ;nk ia:dkhgo wdrlaIdj fhdod we;ehs mejfia' igka mdG /f.k meñKs msßia uyskao rdcmlaI ysgmq ckm;sjrhdg tfrys úfrdaO;djl ksr; jqKd'

tu wjia:dfõ ufyaia;%d;ajßh meñKs r;= meye;s leíßh jglrf.k uyskaog tfrys igka mdG lshkq o olakg ,enqKd'

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