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;cqãkag jO fok yv
fmïj;shg ÿrl:kfhka
wykak;a §,dÆ

jiSï ;dcqãka >d;kh lroa§ Tyqg jo fok yv ÿrl:kh Tiafia Tyqf.a fmïj;shg weiSug mjd i,iajñka lDDr >d;khla isÿ lr we;s nj wmg oek.kakg ,eî we;ehs wêlrK ksfhdacH wud;H iqÔj fiakisxy uy;d mjihs'

;dcqãka >d;kh iïnkaOfhka l;d lrk úg rdcmlaI frÔuh yd fykaphshka ;e;s .ekaù we;s njo ta uy;d wo fld<U§ meje;s udOH yuqjl§ lshd isáfhah'

fuu urKh wjqreÿ 3la ;siafia rch mÍlaIK fkdlr jid oeuQ njo fyf;u mejiSh'

fuh ue;sjrKh b,lal lr isÿlrkq ,nk mÍlaIKhla hehs we;euqka fpdaokd k.k njo fuh tjekakla fkdjk nj;a" Tyqf.a uõmshkag idOdrKhla bgql< hq;= nj;a" iqÔj fiakisxy uy;d lshd isáfhah'

furg lsisu ;ekl jdykhla yemS th iïmQ¾Kfhka .sksf.k mqoa.,hl= ueÍ ke;s njo mejiQ iqÔj fiakisxy uy;d jdykh yemqKq miq r.¾ l%Svlfhl= jk ;dcqãka jdykh .sksf.k oefjk f;la ßhÿre wiqkg ù isàu mqÿuhlehs fmkajdÿkafkah'

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