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wfma rfÜ yomq uq,au 
;%sfrdao r:h fukak

Y%S ,xldfõ msßila úiska ;%sfrdao r:hla ksIamdokh lr ;sfnkjd. fuu r:h wk;=re j,g Tfrd;a;=§fï yelshdj ms<sn|j mj;ajk ,o ;;a;aj mÍlaIKho id¾:l ù we;ehs njhs mejfikafka' nKavdr kdhl wkqiaurK cd;Hka;r iïuka;%K Yd,dfõ miq.shod mej;s fudg¾ r: m%o¾Ykhg fuu ;%sfrdao r:h bÈßm;alr ;snqKd'

fuu ;%sfrdao r:fha jeish iïmQ¾Kfhkau foaYSh ksIamdokhla fõ. ;%sfrdao ßfha ksIamdolhd jkafka oYl follg wdikak ld,hla ;%sfrdao r: wu;r fldgia f.kaùfï jHdmdrfha fh§ isák È,aud Tfgda g%faäka iud.uhs' tys wOHlaI ,is;a pkaÈu uy;d wm iu. mejiqfõ ;u iud.u uq,ska n,dfmdfrd;a;= jQfha furg§ fudag¾ r:hla ksmoùu njhs'

wms È.= l,la ;siafia wu;r fldgia yok iud.ï y÷kkj. ta whf.ka fldgia f.kaj, ;uhs ;%sfrdao r:fha tkaðu we;=¿ fkl=;a Wmdx. ksmojQfõ." ,is;a uy;d mjikjd'
fuu ;%sfrdao r:h mK.ekaùu ÿria:md,lhla u.ska o l< yels jkjd' ;%sfrdao r:hlg m<uq jrg áhqí,ia gh¾ Ndú; lsÍfï yelshdjo ñka ysñjkjk w;r wk;=rlÈ ßhÿref.a wdrlaIdj Wfoid wdrlaIl Wml%uo wkq.ukh lr we;s nj ksIamdok iud.u mjikjd. ta wk;=rl§ r:h mgqmig úis fjk whqßka ksmojd ;sîuh'
negßfhka ÿjk iy yhsn%sâ ;%sfrdao r: ksIamdokh lsÍu ;u bÈß n,dfmdfrd;a;=j nj ,is;a uy;d mjikjd' wvq wdodhï ,NSkag .e,fmk fudg¾ r:h ksmoùfï isyskho Tjqka w;ayer ke;'

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