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l=vq cdjdrïldr uqcySâ
whs'tia‌' ;%ia‌; ixúOdkfha
m%n,hl= nj  fy<sfõ''

fldaám;s jHdmdßlhl= f,i fmkS isáñka furg uyd mßudKfhka u;al=vq cdjdru fufyh jQ cd;Hka;r l=vq tacka;hl= jk fudfyduâ uqndrla‌ fudfyduâ uqcySâ kue;a;d whstia‌whstia‌ ;%ia‌; ixúOdkfha m%n,hl= njg fmd,sishg f;dr;=re ,eî ;sfí'

whstia‌whstia‌ ;%ia‌; ixúOdkhg wruqo,a /ia‌ lsÍfï cd,fha m%Odkshl= f,i lghq;= lrk uqcySâ fyfrdhska cdjdrfuka Wmhk iqúYd, Okh tu ;%ia‌;jd§ ixúOdkfha lghq;= i|yd ,ndfok njgo jd¾;d ù we;'

ta wkqj cd;Hka;r nqoaê fiajdjkays iydho ,nd .ksñka uqcySâ ms<sn| mq¿,a úu¾Ykhla‌ wdrïN lsÍug Y%S ,xld fmd,sish oekgu;a mshjr f.k ;sfnk nj Wiia‌ fmd,sia‌ ks,Odßfhla‌ mejeiSh'

fldaám;s jHdmdßlhl= f,i m%NQ iudcfha .ejfiñka lghq;= l< fudfyduâ uqcySâ kue;a;d cd;Hka;r u;al=vq tacka;jrhl= f,i miq.shod uq,ajrg f,dalhg wkdjrKh lrkq ,enqfõ fmd,sia‌ u;ao%jH kdYl ld¾hdxYh u.sks'

fmd,sia‌ u;ao%jH kdYl ld¾hdxYh fmd,sia‌m;s tka' fla' b,x.fldaka uy;df.a iDcq wêla‍IKh yd Wmfoia‌ u; hqo yuqod ikakoaO nqoaê n<ldfha iy rdcH nqoaê fiajdfõo iydh ,nd .ksñka bl=;a 2012 jif¾ isg jir ;=kla‌ ;sia‌fia wLKa‌vj isÿl< b;du ryis.; fufyhqula‌ u.ska uqcySâ ms<sn| f;dr;=re fy<s lrkq ,eîh'

Y%S ,xld fmd,sisfha u;ao%jH kdYl ld¾hxYfha ks,OdÍka isÿl< tu ufyhqu fï jk úg weußldkq rdcH nqoaê fiajdfõo m%Yxidjg ,la‌j we;'


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