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ix.dg f.!rjdkaú; iuq§ula''
m<uq fgiaÜ ;r.fha

ch.%yKh Y%S ,xld lKavdhug

.d,a, cd;Hka;r l%slÜ l%Svdx.kfha meje;afjk m<uq fgiaÜ ;r.fha isõ jeks Èkh jk wo ^15& fojeks bksug ,l=Kq 175l b,lalhla yUd .sh bka§h lKavdhu mkaÿjdr 49'5l§ ,l=Kq 112lg ish¨‍ fokdu oeù .sfhah' ta wkqj Y%S ,xld lKavdhu m<uq ;r.h ,l=Kq 63 lska ch.ekSug iu;a úh'

Y%S ,xld lKavdhfï ch.%yKh fjkqfjka úYsIaG mkaÿ heùul ksr; jQ rx.k fyar;a mkaÿ jdr 21 l§ ks,l=Kq mkaÿ jdr 6la o iu.ska ,l=Kq 48lg lvq¨‍ 7la ojd .ekSug iu;a úh'

 Tyqg wk.s iyhla ,nd ÿka ;ßÿ fl!IHd,a mkaÿjdr 17'5 § ,l=Kq 47kg lvq¨‍ 3la ojd .ekSug iu;a úh' wo ;r.h ish¨‍u f.!jrhka Èkd .ekSug Y%S ,xld oÕ mkaÿ hjkakka iu;a úh'

Y%S ,xld lKavdhu m<uq bksug ish¨‍ fokd oeù ,nd .;a ,l=Kq 183g ms<s;=re f,i bkaÈhdkq ms;slrejka m<uq bksug ish¨‍ fokd oeù ,l=Kq 375la ,nd .;a w;r Y%S ,xld lKavdhfï fojeks bksfï uq,a lvq¨‍ 5 ,l=Kq 108 lg oeù f.dia oeä wiSre ;;ajhlg m;aj ;sìh§ ÈfkaIa pkaÈud,a úYsIaG ms;syrUhl ksr; fjñka fkdoeù ,l=Kq 162la ,nd .ksñka bka§h fojeks bksug igkla Èh yels  ,l=Kq 175l b,lalhla ,nd §ug iu;a úh'‍

m%n, bka§h lKavdhu ,l=Kq 175l b,lalhla yUd hñka isáh§ lsisÿ ms;slrejl=g fojeks bksfï§ ia:djr ùug rx.k fyar;a m%uqL Y%S ,xld mkaÿ hjkakkaf.k bv fkd,enq‚' bkaÈh fojeks bksfï jeäu ,l=Kq ,dNshd njg m;a jqfha rydfkah' Tyq ,l=Kq 36lg oeù .sfhah' wfkla jeäu ,l=Kq ,dNshd njg m;a jQfha ,l=Kq 28la ,nd .;a Ysl¾ Ojdkah'

m<uq fgiaÜ ;rÕfha ùrhd f,i ÈfkaIa pkaÈud,a m;ajq‚

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