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id., Èkjkak ik;a tlafjhs...

j¾;udk rcfha ksfhdacH wud;Hjrfhl= j isá l%slÜ l%Svl ik;a chiqßh uyue;sjrKhg Èk yhla ;sìh§ tcdm wfmalaIl id., r;akdhlg iydh §ug bÈßm;a fjhs'

id., r;akdhl uy;df.a mUqrK ld¾hd,fha§ wo miajre 4'30g Tyq ish mlaImd;s;ajh m%ldY lrkq we;ehs jd¾;d fõ'

m<d;a iNd yd m%dfoaYSh ixj¾Ok ksfhdacH wud;Hjrhd jYfhka lghq;= l< ik;a chiqßh" fujr uyue;sjrKhg ;r. fkdlrk nj l,skau m%ldY lr ;sìKs' ud;r Y%S','ks'm'm%Odk ixúOdhl Oqrfhka o Tyq b,a,d wia úh' Tyqf.a uj o fujr tcdm fõÈldjg f.dv ù isà'

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