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m%§ma rx.kf.a
jir 11l
fmï isyskh

ffjoHjrfhla ckm%sh .dhlfhla jqkq m%§ma rx.k ojil újdy jqkd lsh,d wms yefudau okakjfka' ta Tyqf.a w;.;a; jdikdjka;sh jqfka fmdäldf,a b|kau wdof¾ lrmq p;=ßld'

ix.S; lafIa;%fha ckm%sh jqkdu mrK wh wu;l fjkjd lsh,d lÜáh lSjg m%§ma kï ;ukaf.a iyldßh lrf.k ;sfhkafka wjqreÿ 11la wdof¾ lrmq fmïj;shj' fokakd biabiafi,a,du uqK.eys,d ;sfhkafka md¾áhlÈ' m%§ma p;=ßld .ek oekf.k b|,d ;uhs thdj n,kak fï md¾á tlg weú;a ;sfhkafka' 

md¾áfhka miafi;a m%§ma p;=ßld .ek ys; ys; b|,d wka;sug ,shqula ,sh,d ;uhs ;ukaf.a wdof¾ .ek lsh,d ;sfhkafka' yenehs m%§ma ,shqu ÿkakq .uka p;=ßld ta .ek pQá whshdg lsh,d ;sfhkjd' fudlo ta ldf,a f,dl= nhla ys;=kd¨‍ óg l,ska ta úÈfha ,shqula weú;a ke;s ksid'

fldfydu jqk;a m%§ma wdof¾ m%ldY lr,d wjqreÿ 4lg miafia ;uhs p;=ßld thdf.a leue;a; m%§mag §,d ;sfhkafka' ta fjklï ;ukaf.a wOHdmk lghq;= lrf.k .syska ;sfhk ksid¨‍ fï ;rï ld,hla wdof¾ .ek m%§mag lSfõ ke;af;a lsh,d p;=ßld lsh,d ;sfhkjd'

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