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uxcq, mSßia forKg
wEú;a uyskaog mlaIj
wkdjEls lsjqjdg
fmd,Sisfha meñKs,a,la

fcHda;sIfõÈ uxcq, mSßia uy;d uyck iduh yd lvjk whqßka m%ldY ksl=;a lsÍula isÿl< njg kS;s{ hiia o is,ajd uy;d ñßydk fmd,sish fj; meñKs,a,la bÈßm;a fldg ;sfí'

miq.shod forK rEmjdyskS kd,sldjl úldYh jQ fcda;sIH jevigyklg iyNd.S ù we;s uxcq, msßia uy;d fujr uy ue;sjrKfhka uyskao rdcmlaI n,hg m;a fkdjqKfyd;a ,xldj ;=< t,a'à'à'h kej; jrla ysi Tijk njg m%ldYhla isÿfldg ;snqKs'

uyskao rdcmlaI hqoaOh wjika l< fyhska cd;Hka;rh wm iu. ffjÍ f,i lghq;= lrk neúka ta iu. igka l, yels kdhlfhl= m;a lr.; fkd.;fyd;a rg m;ajk wk;=frka f.dv .ekSug yelshdjla fkdue;s nj o uxcq, mSßia uy;d mjid we;'

fuu m%ldYh iïnkaOj kS;s{ hiia o is,ajd ue;sjrK flduidßiajrhdo oekqj;a fldg ;sfí'

uq,dY% - fk;a
tu m%ldYh w;=,;a úäfhdaj my;ska

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