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ukqI meojQ leí ßh
ðú;hla ì,s .kS


.d,a, buÿj m%Odk ud¾.fha yjqfma m%foaYfha § isÿ jq ßh wk;=rlska mqoa.,fhl= ñhf.dia we;' 

wod, mqoa.,hd h;=re meÈhlska .uka lrñka isáh § ud¾.fha tla milska meñKs g%la r:hl u. yer hEfï § wi,ska .uka lr .d,a, Èia;%sla tcksi wfmalaIl ukqI kdkdhlaldrg wh;a leí ßhg hg ù fufia ñhf.dia ;sfí'

fufia ñhf.dia we;af;a buÿj mqiaie,alv fm%foaYfha mÈxÑ rfKamqr fyajf.a .=Kr;ak keue;s 76 yeúßÈ mqÈ.,fhls' isoaêh iïnkaOfhka buÿj fmd,sis iy wyx.u fmd,sish tlaj mÍlaIK mj;ajhs' 

ñ mqoa.,hdf.a foayh yÈis urK mÍlaIKh ioyd lrdmsáh frday,g f.k f.dia ;sfí

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