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ikaOdfka cd;sl ,ehsia;=
uka;%Sjre fukak
cd;sl ,ehsia;=jg mrdð;hsk
mia fofklaæ

tlai;a ck;d ksoyia ikaOdkfha cd;sl ,ehsia;= uka;%Sjre kï lr ;sfnkjd'tu kdu f,aLKh my;ska oelafjkjd'

ir;a wuqKq.u" ä,dka fmf¾rd" úð;a úð;uq‚ fidhsid" tia î Èidkdhl" uyskao iurisxy" ,laIauka hdmd wfíj¾Ok" ;s,x. iqu;smd," wx.cka rdukdoka" tï t,a ta tï ysianq,a,d" u,s;a ch;s,l" *hsi¾ uqia;dmd" ta tÉ tï *jqis

ikaOdk cd;sl ,ehsia;=fjka lemqKq wh -
fï w;r tlai;a ck;d ksoyia ika‍Odkfha cd;sl ,ehsia;=jg we;=,;a jq uydpd¾h ;siai ú;drK" äõ .=Kfialr iy uydpd¾h rðõ úfÊisxy hk uy;ajrekag uka;‍%S OQr ysñù keye'

uydpd¾h Ô't,a msÍia" ;siai w;a;kdhl" árdka w,ia" m‍%Nd .fkaIka" Ôjka l=udr;=x." frðfkda,aÙ l=f¾" fÊ'iS rx.d iy mshisß úfÊkdhl hk uy;ajreka o lemS f.dia ;sfnkjd'

uydpd¾h fudfyduÙ yqfiaka" ßiañ fIß*a" Ysrd,a ,la;s,l" uydpd¾h fld,aúka .=Kr;ak iy uydpd¾h lms, .=Kfialr hk uy;ajreka o tlai;a ck;d ksoyia ika‍Odkfhka cd;sl ,ehsia;=jg we;=,;aj isg uka;‍%S OQr wysñ jq whhs'

wdpd¾h î'ta r;akmd," lremhshd .fkaIuQ¾;s" f,ia,s foafõkaø" fidauùr pkaøisß" tï'tia W;=ud f,ífí" chka; ùrisxy" tï'tï uqiïñ,a iy f.úÿ l=udr;=x. hk uy;ajreka o lems f.dia ;sfnkjd'

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