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úmla‍I kdhl l=udr fj,a.u
úmla‍Ifha m%Odk ixúOdhl uyskaodkkao
ikaOdk mla‍I kdhl yuqfõ§ fhdackdjla‌

úmla‍I kdhl Oqrhg l=udr fj,a.u uy;d;a úmla‍Ifha m%Odk ixúOdhl Oqrhg uyskaodkkao wÆ;a.uf.a uy;d;a m;a l< hq;= njg Y%S ,xld ksoyia‌ mla‍Ifha uka;%S lKa‌vdhula‌ yd md¾,sfïka;=j ksfhdackh lrk tla‌i;a ck;d ksoyia‌ ikaOdkfha fiiq mla‍Ij, kdhlhkaf.a yuqjl§ fhdackd ù ;sfí'

fuu yuqj fmf¾od ^24 od& fmrjrefõ meje;s w;r Bg Y%S ,xld ksoyia‌ mla‍I uka;%S lKa‌vdhula‌ yd uyck tla‌i;a fmruqfKa kdhl ÈfkaIa .=Kj¾Ok" m%cd;ka;%jd§ jdudxYsl fmruqfKa kdhl jdiqfoaj kdkdhla‌ldr" cd;sl ksoyia‌ fmruqfKa kdhl úu,a ùrjxY" msú;=re fy< Wreufha kdhl Woh .ïukams, hk uy;ajreka iyNd.s ù we;'

úmla‍I kdhl Oqrh Ndr.ekSug ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmla‍I uy;df.a woyila‌ ke;s nj uq, isgu m%ldY lr ;sìKs'

úmla‍Ifha m%Odk ixúOdhl Oqrhg ÈfkaIa .=Kj¾Ok uy;df.a ku fuys§ fhdackd ù we;;a ta uy;d m%ldY lr we;af;a Bg ld¾hYQr whl= m;alr .ekSu iqÿiq njhs' ta wkqj tys§ uyskaodkkao wÆ;a.uf.a uy;df.a ku fhdackd ù ;sfí'

wkqr nd,iQßh

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