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foaYmd,k i;r fmrksñ;s
oelSfuka ix.d l,lsß,d iÿod ^24& l%slÜ l%Svdfjka iuq.;a fgiaÜ l%slÜ l%Svl l=ud¾ ix.laldr" iuq.ekSfï W;aijfha§ ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d Tyqg msßkuk ,o tlai;a rdcOdksfha uyflduidßia OQrh ldreKslj m%;slafIam fldg we;ehs úYajdi lghq;= wdrxÑ ud¾. i|yka lr isà'

tfia uyflduidßia OQrh Ndr .ekSu ldreKslj m%;slafIam lsÍug

ix.dg fya;= ù we;af;a uE; Èkl§ Tyq ,o w;aoelSuls' tkï jl=.vq frda.h iïnkaOfhka ikakdu ;dkdm;s OQrh Ndr .ekSu i|yd ckdêm;sjrhdf.a ks, ksjig .sh Èkfha§ Tyqg meh .Kklg l,ska ckdêm;sjrhd yuqùug meñK isá mrdð; ue;s weu;sjreka oelSuhs' Tjqkaf.ka fndfyda fofkla l=ud¾ ix.laldrf.a mqoa.,sl ys; ñ;=rkah' Tjqkaf.a WmkaÈk ido  we;=¿ úúO W;aij i|yd ix.laldro iyNd.s ù ;sfí' óg ál l,lg by;§ úrdcudkj nen¿Kq fuu ue;s weu;sjreka ix.laldr olsoa§ ,eÊcdfjka yelsf,ñka ix.laldrj u. yeÍug W;aidy fldg we;'

Tjqka ieugu l,ska ix.laldrj yuqù we;s ckdêm;sjrhd ;uka fjkqfjka Pkaoh b,a,d merÿkq mqoa.,hkaj t;rï .Kka f.k ke;' foaYmd,kfha ienE iajrEmh thskau ix.laldrg wjfndaO ù ;sfí' ljodj;a foaYmd,kfha kshe,Sugj;a foaYmd,k m;aùï ,nd fkd.ekSugj;a ix.laldr ;SrKh fldg we;af;a todh' tfy;a ckdêm;sjrhdf.a fhdackdj tlfy,d m%;slafIam lsÍu Tyqg lrk wf.!rjhla neúka ix.d Bfha lsisjla m%ldY fldg fkdue;'

flfia fj;;a ;j;a jirl muK ld,hla tx.,ka;fha ljqkaá l%slÜ l%Svdfõ kshe,Su i|yd ix.d kqÿf¾§ h,s;a tx.,ka;hg hdug kshñ;h'

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