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kj md¾,sfïka;=fõ l:dkdhl
lrE chiQßh o@

ó<. md¾,sfïka;=fõ l:dkdhl OQrh tcdmfha fcHIaGfhl= jk lrE chiQßh uy;dg ,nd§fï iQodkula mj;sk nj foaYmd,k wdrxÑ ud¾. i|yka lrhs'

tfia jqjo ta ms<sn| wjika ;SrKhla fuf;la f.k fkdue;s njo i|ykah'

lre chiQßh uy;d bl=;a wdKavqj iufha rdcH mßmd,k" m<d;a md,k yd m%cd;dka;%Sh md,kh iy nqoaO Ydik wud;Hjrhd f,i lghq;= lf<ah'

chiQßh uy;d .ïmy Èia;%Slalh ksfhdackh lrñka md¾,sfïka;=jg f;aÍ m;ajQ tcdmfha fcHIaG fukau mßK; uka;%Sjrfhls'

2005 ckdêm;sjrKfhka uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d n,hg m;ajQ miq tcdm uka;%Ska 17la iu. rdcmlaI uy;dg iyh ,nd§ug bÈßm;ajQ wjia:dfõ§ Tyqf.a N=ñldj iudch ;=< úúOdldrfhka l;d nyg ,laúh'

flfia jqjo uyskao rdcmlaI wdKavqfõ weu;sOQrh yer kej;;a tcdmhg tlajk ta uy;d l,la mlaIfha ksfhdacH kdhlhd f,i lghq;= lsÍug o jrï ysñlr .;af;ah'

ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d ckm;sùfuka miqj f.dvke.=Kq wdKavqfõ rdcH mßmd,k" m<d;a md,k yd m%cd;dka;%Sh md,kh iy nqoaO Ydik wud;Hjrhd f,i lghq;= l< chiQßh uy;d uy ue;sjrKhg bÈßm;a fkdúK'

tfy;a t;=udf.a ku fujr tcdm cd;sl ,ehsia;=jg we;=<;aj ;sfí'

flfia fyda fujr m;ajQ kj rcfha" kj md¾,sfïka;=fõ l:dkdhl OQrh lre chiQßh uy;dg ,nd§fï iqodkula we;s j. foaYmd,k wdrxÑ ud¾. wkdjrKh lf<ah'

lre chiQßh uy;d fld<U wdkkao úoHd,fha wd§ YsIHfhl= o jk w;r rKisxy fma%uodi rch úiska Tyqj c¾uksfha Y%S ,dxld ;dkdm;sjrhd f,i o m;a lr ;sìK'

1965 isg 1972 olajd ld,h ;=< yuqodfõ ks, ,;a ks,Odßfhla f,i lghq;= l< ta uy;d jHdmdßl wdh;k 52 l muK by< ;k;=re ord we;s olaI jHdmdr md,lhl= fukau lS¾;su;a rdcH ;dka;%slfhls'

1996 jif¾§ tlai;a cd;sl mlaI kdhl rks,a úl%uisxyf.a wdrdOkh mßÈ tcdmhg tlaj fyf;u mlaI iNdm;s;ajhgo m;aúK'

^1997-99& ld,fha§ lre chiQßh uy;d fld<U k.rdêm;s jYfhka m;aj" miqj niakdysr m<d;a iNdjg ;r. fldg tys úmlaIkdhl Oqrhgo m;aúh'

wk;=rej .ïmy Èia;%slalfhka md¾,sfïka;=jg f;aÍ m;aj l,la úÿ,sn, yd n,Yla;s weue;sjrhd f,io lghq;= lf<ah'

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