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ysre‚ld hEjQ tka;r jdishg
.ïukams, kvqjg ,Eia‌;shs

;ukag l< wmydih fjkqfjka ñ,shk mkaishhla‌ b,a,d hEjQ tka;r jdishg ysre‚ld fma%upkaø uy;añhf.ka m%;spdrhla‌ fkd,enqKq ksid wehg tfrysj wksjd¾hfhkau bÈßfha§ kvq mjrd jkaÈ ,nd.kakd nj msú;=re fy< Wreufha f,alï yd fld<U Èia‌;%sla‌ md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S Woh .ïukams, uy;d ^23 od& mejeiSh'

fma%upkaø uy;añhg hEjQ tka;rjdish iïnkaOfhka fï jk úg we;s ;;a;ajh ms<sn|j lreKq ola‌jñka Tyq fï nj lSfõh'

foaYmd,kfha m%uqL;d wkqj fï jk úg we;af;a md¾,sfïka;=fõ lghq;= ms<sn| wjOdkh nj mejiQ .ïukams, uy;d tka;rjdishla‌ hjd m%;spdr kef;d;a kvq mejßh hq;af;a jir folla‌ we;=<; § kuq;a t;rï l,a fkdhjd b;du;au bla‌ukska ysre‚ld fma%upkaø uy;añhg tfrysj kvq mjrk nj i|yka lf<ah'

rEmjdysks jevigykl§ wi;H lreKq bÈßm;a lr ;udg wmydi l< nj i|yka lrñka Bg jkaÈ jYfhka remsh,a ñ,shk 500 la‌ ,ndfok f,i b,a,d ysre‚ld fma%upkaø uy;añhg tka;rjdishla‌ hEjQ nj wf.daia‌;= 6 jeksod úfYaI udOH yuqjla‌ le|jñka .ïukams, uy;d mejeiSh'

2003 jif¾§ .eyekq <uhl= lido n¢k njg fmdfrdkaÿ ù weh wkd: l< njg fmd,sisfha meñ‚,a,la‌ we;s nj;a ;ud hlv fidrlï lr we;s nj;a m<d;a iNd ue;sjrKfhka miq ;ud bÈßm;a l< whjeh fndre nj;a ysre‚ld fma%upkaø uy;añh wod< rEmjdysks jevigyfka§ wi;H lreKq bÈßm;a lrñka ;udg wmydi l< ksid Bg jkaÈ ,nd .ekSug fuu tka;rjdish hEjQ nj .ïukams, uy;d tu udOH yuqfõ§ i|yka lr ;sì‚

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