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ÿrl:k weu;=ula ksid
osjs fíreKq ÿj,d 3hs

rdjKd we,a,g mek ishÈú ydkslr.ekSug ;e;a l< msfhl= iy Èh‚hka ;=kafofkl= fírdf.k ;sfnkjd'

32 yeúßÈ mqoa.,fhl= iy Tyqf.a jhi wjqreÿ 12" 8 iy 4 hk jhia ldKavj, miqjk Èh‚hka fofokd fuf,i fírdf.k we;af;a fmd,Sish iy m%foaYjdiSka úiska' fudjqka Èh;,dj - Wvlkaofj,

m%foaYfha mÈxÑlrejka'

ish ksjfia isg fuu mshd iy Èh‚hka ;sfokd nia r:hlska rdjKd we,a, wi<g meñK ;sfnkjd' miqj Èhwe,a, by< m%foaYhg hk w;r;=r tu ia:dkfha isá ;reKfhl=f.a cx.u ÿrl:khla b,a,df.k Èh‚hka ;sfokd ish ujg l:d lr ishÈú ydkslr.kakd mjid we;s nj i|yka' ál fõ,djlg miq tu ÿrl:khg l:d lr we;s orejkaf.a uj ÿrl:kh ysñ ;reKhdg wdhdpkd lr we;af;a fuu ishÈú ydkslr .ekSu j<lajk f,ihs'
miqj wod< ;reKhd fï nj ish mshdjk m%foaYfha yÈis urK mßlaIljrhdg oekqï§ ;sfnkjd' miqj Tyq we,a, fmd,sia ia:dkdêm;sjrhd fj; fï ms<sn|j oekqïj;a lr we;s w;r fmd,Sisfha Wmfoia mßÈ tu ia:dkfha isá msßi iuÕ tlaj ishÈú ydkslr.ekSu je<elaùug lghq;= lr ;sfnkjd' fmd,sia ks,OdÍka fuu ia:dkhg meñK ishÈú ydkslr.ekSug W;aidy l< mshd iy Èh‚hka ;sfokd ish Ndrhg f.k we;s njhs fmd,Sish i|yka lf<a'

ieñhd iuÕ we;sjQ mjq,a wdrjq,la u; fuu orejkaf.a uj ksjiska msgù f.dia we;s nj mÍlaIKj,§ wkdjrK ù ;sfnkjd' fudjqka ksjfia fkdue;sùu fya;=fjka ielis;+ wi,ajdisfhl= Bfha fmrjrefõ ksjfia fodr lvd n,k úg tla ì;a;shl orejka iuÕ rdjKd we,a,g mksk nj i|yka lr ;snQ njhs fmd,Sish m%ldY lf<a'

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