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ug irKf.a
irK .kak lsõfj
ÿñkao is,ajdhs
-fjf,a iqod-

ysgmq md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S ÿñkao is,ajd uy;df.a Wmfoia u; fmg%,a fIâ tlla ,nd .ekSu i|yd ysgmq ksfhdacH wud;H irK .=Kj¾Ok uy;d iuÕ fydag,hl§ l;d l< nj —fjf,a iqod˜ fld<U uydêlrKh yuqfõ Bfha ^14& mejiSh'
fIâ tlla ,ndfokak lshd ;ud ÿñkao is,ajd uy;df.ka b,a,d isá nj;a ta wkqj Tyq ;udj irK .=Kj¾Ok uy;d fj; fhduq l< nj;a irK .=Kj¾Ok uy;df.a oekqï§u u; ;u ìßh keÈud, ykaÈfha jQ bvfï Tmamqjo /f.k Tyq yuqùug .sh nj;a ‘fjf,a iqod’ jeäÿrg;a mejiSh'

fyfrdhska .%Eï 7'05 ika;lfha ;nd .ekSu yd cdjdrï lsÍu iïnkaOfhka .ïm, ú;dkf.a iuka; l=udr fyj;a ‘fjf,a iqodg’ tfrys kvqfõ meñ‚,af,a yria m%Yakj,g ms<s;=re foñka ú;a;sldr ‘fjf,a iqod’ tfia mejiSh'

fld<U uydêlrK úksiqre m%S;s moauka iQrfiak uy;d yuqfõ fuu kvqj úNd. flf¾' ysgmq foaYmd,k{hka fofokd iuÕ fmg%,a fIâ tlla ,nd .ekSug l;d ny lr Tjqka iuÕ oeä iïnkaO;djla ;sìh § bka tla foaYmd,k{fhl=f.ka ;ukg urK ;¾ck meñ‚ ksid rg yer .shd hehs ;ud Widúhg wi;H lreKq mjikjd fkdfõoehs rcfha wêkS;s{jßh ú;a;sldr fjf,a iqodf.k m%Yak lf<ah'

;ud rg yer.sfha urK ;¾ck ;snQ ksid nj mjid isá ú;a;sldr ‘fjf,a iqod’ lsis úfgl ;udg wêlrKh uyyerhdfï wjYH;djla fkdjQ nj fuys§ mjid isáfhah'

2010'07'15 yd 2011'08'26 hk jirl ld,hla ;=< ñ,shk 19" 16" 12" 18 jeks .Kkaj,ska uqo,a wdfhdackh lr foam< ñ,gf.k we;s nj ;uka ms<s.kakjd oehs rcfha fcHIaG wêkS;s{jßh weiQ m%Yakhlg ms<s;=re foñka ‘fjf,a iqod’ mjid isáfha foam< ñ,g .;a nj ms<s.kakd nj;a kuq;a tajdfha ñ, .Kka ;uka fkdokakd nj;ah'

;ud mdlsia;dkfha isg ,xldjg g%elag¾j, gh¾j, iÕjd l=vq /f.k tk nj yd yhsì%â ld¾ r:hlska l=vq /f.k hk njg f;dr;=re ,nd ÿka nj yd ta wkqj tu l=vq w;awvx.=jg .;a nj;a meñ‚,af,a yria m%Yakj,g ms<s;=re foñka mejiQ fj‍f,a iqod kuq;a ‘ l=vq rcd’ njg yxjvq .eyqfõ ;udj njo mejiSh'

;uka wêlrKh yuqfõ lsis úfgl;a fndre fkdlshk nj mejiQ fjf,a iqod ;ukag t,a, jQ urK ;¾ck ksid rg yer .sh njo mejiSh'

meñ‚,af,a yria m%Yak bka wjika ùfuka miq kvqfõ idlals le|ùuo wjika jq‚'

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