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bÈß ue;sjrK ksÍlaIKhg
f*ia nqla whg wjia:djla
-uyskao foaYm‍%sh

bÈß ue;sjrK ksÍlaIK lghq;= i|yd ue;sjrK flduidßiajhdf.a úfYaI ksfhdað;hka f,i f*ia nqla yd iudc cd, fjí wvú l%shdldßlhka m;a lsÍug lghq;= lrk nj ue;sjrK flduidßia uyskao foaYm‍%sh mjihs'

ta wkqj iEu Pkao .Kka lsÍfï uOHia:dkhlgu tla iudc cd,d idudðlhl= ne.ska m;a lsÍug;a" Bg wu;rj Pkaofmd< ks,Odßka f,i oekg lghq;= lrk msßig wu;rj cx.u ÿrl:k u.ska ue;sjrK flduidßiajrhd fj; yÈis oekqï§u isÿlsÍu i|yd zflá mKsúv  SMS  ksfhdað;hl=Z ne.ska m;a lsÍug wjYH lghq;= isÿlsÍug o Tyq f.a wjOdkh fhduq ù ;sfí'

uyskao foaYm‍%sh ue;sjrK flduidßiajrhd fï ;SrKhg t<eôfha iudc cd,d l%shdldßlhka iu. meje;s meh folyudrlg wdikak §¾> idlÉPdjlska miqj h'

f*ia nqla we;=¿ iudc cd, fjí wvú u.ska ue;sjrKfha úYajikSh;ajh ms<sn| mokï úrys; fpdaokd bÈßm;a lsÍu uq,afldg .ksñka ue;sjrK fomd¾;fïka;=fõ§ fï idlÉPdj meje;aúKs'

ue;sjrKh ms<sn| rfÜ ish¨ mqrejishkag ukd wjfndaOhla ;sîu b;d jeo.;a nj tys§ fmkajd ÿka ue;sjrK flduidßiajrhd ta wjfndaOh ,nd §u i|yd wjYH iEu mshjrlau .kakd nj o m‍%ldY lf<a h'


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