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cd;sl wdKavqfjs
wud;HdxYj,  fmr<s /ila

Wiia‌ wOHdmk - iuDoaê - lDIsl¾u 
jdßud¾. - uyd ud¾. Lksc f;,a Y%S,ksmhg 
wud;HdxY /il úIhm:hka o fjkia‌ fõ

f.disma99 wms fmr wmyg ,enqKq wdrxÑ ud¾. wkqj kj wud;H ukav,h hehs <smshla bÈßm;a lrkq ,eìks' kuq;a fujr wud;HdxY ilia‌ lsÍfï§ ñka fmr fkd;snQ wdldrfha wÆ;a kïj,ska hqla‌; wud;HdxY lSmhla‌o ;sfnk nj wdKa‌vqfõ wdrxÑ ud¾. wkdjrKh lf<ah'flfia fj;;a Bfha ^26 od& ijia‌ jk úg wkdjrKh jQ f;dr;=re wkqj Wiia‌ wOHdmk wud;HdxYh" iuDoaê lghq;= wud;HdxYh" lDIsl¾u wud;HdxYh" jdßud¾. wud;HdxYh" uydud¾. wud;HdxYh iy Lkssc f;,a l¾udka; wud;HdxYh Y%S ,xld ksoyia‌ mla‍Ifha uka;%Sjreka fj; msßkeóug ;SrKh lr we;' 
wud;HdxY /il úIh m:hka o fjkia‌ lr we;'

nexl= iy uQ,Hdh;k uqo,a wud;HdxYfhka bj;a lr we;ehs o wdKa‌vqfõ úYajdi lghq;= wdrxÑ ud¾. Tia‌fia wkdjrKh úh'

ta wkqj uqo,a wud;HdxYh rú lreKdkdhl uy;dg o" nexl= yd uQ,Hdh;k lî¾ yISï uy;d hg;g o m;a flfrk nj;a" mdG,S pïmsl rKjl uy;dg kd.ßl ixj¾Ok" fu.d fmd,sia‌ weue;s Oqrh iy wdrla‍Il ksfhdacH weue;s Oqrh ,nd §ug ;SrKh lr we;s nj;a wkdjrKh úh' 

úfoaY wdfhdack weue;sjrhd f,i u,sla‌ iurúl%u uy;d o" tu rdcH weue;sjrhd fyda ksfhdacH weue;s jrhd f,i iqÔj fiakisxy uy;d m;a lsÍugo ;SrKh lr we;'

,la‍Iauka lsßwe,a, uy;dgo wÆ;a úIh m:hla‌ hgf;a wÆ;a wud;HdxYhla‌ Ndr fokq we;ehso wkdjrKh fjhs'

pïmsl rKjl uy;dg fu.d fmd,sia‌  kj wud;HdxYh o rú lreKdkdhl uy;dg uqo,a wud;HdxYh o lî¾g nexl= yd uQ,H wud;HdxYh o u,sla iurúC%u uy;dg úfoaY wdfhdack wud;HdxYh o rejka úchj¾Ok uy;dg uyck iduh yßka m%kdkaÿ uy;dg úÿ,s ixfoaY wud;HkaYho wud;HdxYh ,nd§ we;'  fï w;r fmd,sisho we;=¿j uyck iduh ms<sn| wud;HdxYhg rejka úchj¾Ok uy;d m;a lsÍug ;SrKh lr ;sfnk nj by; wdrxÑ ud¾. i|yka lf<ah'

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