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iskud ks<s fIydrdf.a
.,alsiafia ksji
l=vq fnodyeÍfï uOHia:dkhla

l=m%lg u;al=vq cdjdrïlre fjf,a iqod i;sfha Widúh yuqfõ ;uka iu. .kqfokq l< ks<shl f,i fy<sorõ l< jeäysá Ñ;%mg ks<s fIydrd chùr fjf,a iqodf.a u;aøjH cdjdrugo Woõ l< ldka;djl nj fï jkúg isÿ lr we;s fmd,sia mÍlaIK wkqj fy<sj we;'

foysj, irKxldr mdf¾ mÈxÑj isá iqrdÊ wyuâ kue;s fjf,a iqodf.a uqo,a mßmd,l f,i lghq;= l< mqoa.,hd ud¾;= udifha ryia fmd,sish yuqfõ mejiQ lg W;a;r wkqj Tyq fjf,a iqodf.a Wmfoia u; ñ;=ßhl f,i y÷kd.;a iskud ks<s fIydrd chùrg wh;a .,alsiai ksji u;a l=vq fnodyeÍfï uOHia:dkhla f,i Ndú; lr ;sfnkjd'

iqrdÊ mjid ;sfnk wdldrhg 2009 jif¾§ fjf,a iqodf.a u;aøjH úYd, mßudKfhka furgg f.kajd .,alsiai m%foaYfha fIydrd chùrf.a ksjfia isg tajd fnodyer we;' ta i|yd ;j;a l=vq fnodyßkakka y;r fofkl= jk foysj, ljqvdf.a wñ," jqâ,kaâ udjf;a m%§ma" je,a,j;af;a l=udr" foysj, keÈud, k,Ska hk wh iyNd.s lrf.k we;s njg;a lreKq fy<s ù we;' tu lghq;af;a§ l<ukdldrjrhd yeáhg isg we;af;a iqrdÊh' Tyq ish¨ uqo,a mßyrKh lsÍu ta uqo,a tl;= lsÍu iy wod< cdjdru ixúOdkh lsÍu isÿ lr we;'

fIydrd ks<shl ùu ksid wehf.a ksji fyda weh .uka lrk jdyk .ek fmd,sish ielfhka fkdneÆ nj;a ta ksid fuu cdjdru yiqjkafka ke;s wdldrhg lrf.k hkakg Tjqkg yelsjQ nj;a mjid ;sfnkjd'

fï cdjdru lrf.k hdug ksji ,nd§u yd wdrlaIdj iemhSu fjkqfjka jßka jr úYd, uqo,a fjf,a iqod úiska fIydrdg ,nd§ we;'

flfia fj;;a wêlrKfha§ Tyq miq.shod lshd isáfha ;uka wehg ,ndÿka uqo,a m%udKh .Kkh lr ke;s nj;a u;l ke;s nj;ah'

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