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y;rl foafmd< ñ,§wrkaÆ rdcmla‍I wdKavqfõ m%n, weue;sjrhl= wefußldfõ f,diawekac,Sia" wd¾,sx.agka" j¾ðkshd yd fjdIsxgka jeks ia:dkj,ska ksjdi yd foafmd< ñ,§ f.k we;s nj i;sfha furgg meñK we;s wefußld úu¾Yk ks,OdÍka uQ,H wmrdO fldÜGdihg fy<slr we;ehs mejefia'

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wod< weue;sjrhd wefußldkq fjf<| m%pdrK iud.ula yd tlaj Y%S ,xldfõ m%;srEmh by< oeóug jevigyka Èh;a lr we;ehso ta i|yd we'fvd' ñ,shk .Kkska jehlr we;s nj;a" ta w;rjdrfha Tyq úiska wod< foafmd< ñ,§f.k we;s nj;a wkdjrKh ù ;sfí'

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ckjdß 08od ckdêm;sjrKfhka miq tu rdcH ;dka;%sl ks,Odßhd we;=¿ Tyqf.a ióm;uhka ms<sn| fydavqjdjla fidhd .kakg fkdyels ù we;s w;r wod< rdcH ;dka;%slhdf.a ifydaorhl= iNdm;s;ajh oerE mqj;am;a iud.ulg rcfha uqo,a ,nd§ we;aoehs hkak ms<sn|j úu¾Yk werö ;sfí'


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