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wNhdrdu md¾Yjhg
B,Û wdKavqfõ bv kE
- ux., lshhs

bÈß uy ue;sjrKfha§ ishÆ md¾Yaj tlalr .ksñka ;=fkka foll n,hla iys; tlai;a cd;sl mlaI wdKavqjla msysgqùu ish wfmalaIdj nj" úfoaY lghq;= ysgmq wud;H ux., iurùr mjihs'

Tyq fï nj m%ldY lf<a uy ue;sjrKh fjkqfjka ud;r  lUqremsáh m%foaYfha tlai;a cd;sl mlaI ld¾hd,hla újD; lsÍfï W;aijhlg tlafjñks'

ish¿u md¾Yj tla/iaù ckjdß jkod ,nd.;a tu úma,jfha m%;sM, kej; yerùug lsisfjl=g;a bv fkd;eìh hq;= nj lshk Tyq" wNhdrdu md¾Yjh yer wfkl=;a ish¿u md¾Yj odhl lrf.k wdKavqjla msysgqùug lghq;= lrk nj;a" lsis÷ fya;=jla ksid wNhdrdu md¾Yjh fuu wdKavqjg iïnkaOlr fkd.kakd nj;a wjOdrKh lr isáfhah'

fï Èkj, fndfyda fofkl= uyskao rdcmlaI f.a mkai,a j, meje;a fjk /iaùï oel l,n,hg m;aj we;s nj mjik Tyq uyskao rdcmlaI Tyqf.a md,k iuh ;=, uxfld,a, lk ,o ck;d uqo,a Ndú;d lrñka fik. niaj,g mgjdf.k mkai,la mkai,la .dfka hk nj;a" uyskao rdcmlaIf.a wjika Èk lsysmh ;=, uqo,a msrjQ lkafÜk¾ 04la wr,sh.y ukaÈrfhka msglr we;s njg f;dr;=re ,eî ;snqkq nj;a m%ldY lrkakg fhÿks'

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