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úfoaY fiajd kshqla;s ld¾hdxYfh
wúêu;a wdldrfhka .kqfokq
ä,dka FCIDg f.khdug
;,;d ierfihs''

úfoaY fiajd kshqla;s ld¾hdxYfha rch iufha§ wúêu;a wdldrfhka isÿjQ .kqfokq iïnkaOfhka bÈßfha§ uQ,H wmrdO fldÜGdihg meñKs,s lsÍug iQodkï jk nj úfoaY /lshd wud;H ;,;d w;=fldar< uy;añh i|yka l<dh'

úfoaY fiajd kshqla;s ld¾hdxYfha iufha§ úúO kdia;sldr yd jHdc .kqfokq isÿù we;s nj;a" úfYaIfhka jHdc f;dr;=re imhñka mej;s wdKavqfõ m%n, ldka;djkaf.a .sKqïj,g uqo,a ,nd§ we;s nj;a wud;Hjßh tys§ mejiqjdh'

fuys§ wÆ;a rch Ndr.ekSu;a iu. ld¾hdxYfha .kqfokq f.ùu iïnkaOj m;al< úfYaI úu¾Yk tallh yryd fuu f;dr;=re ,enqKq nj;a" ta wkqj fuu f;dr;=re ie,ls,a,g f.k ú.Kldêm;sjrhd fï ms<sn|j ,ndÿka f;dr;=re wkqj ú.Kldêm;s úu¾Ykfha§ ,efnk f;dr;=re wkqj uQ,H wmrdO fldÜGdihg hdug iQodkï nj wud;Hjßh jeäÿrg;a mjid isáhdh'

Y%S,ksm uka;%S ä,dka fmf¾rd uy;d ksjdi yd iuDoaê rdcH wud;H Oqrhg m;ajQ wjia:dfõ§ úfoaY /lshd wud;H ;,;d w;=fldar, uy;añh n,j;a w¾nqohlg ,lajQ w;r" bl=;a md,k iufha úfoaY /lshd wud;HxYh ;=< isÿjQ wC%ñl;d ms<sn|j isÿl, úu¾Yk kj;d oeóug wehg isÿj ;sìK' 

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