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;%ia;jdoh h,s ysi tiùug yelshs uyskao

kej; foaYmd,k lr,shg meñ”ug wr w¢ñka isák ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d" Y%S ,xldj ;=, kej;;a fnÿïjd§ t,a'à'à'B' ixúOdkh ysi tiùfï wjOdkula we;s nj mjihs'

“wms i;=gq fjkjd ;%ia;jdoh wjikalsÍug yelsùu iïnkaOj" kuq;a ug ielhla ;sfhkjd wmsg kej; ;%ia;jd§ka olskak fjhs lsh,d'” uyskao rdcmlaI mejiSh'

“wms leu;s kE ta foa fjkjd olskak' wmsg wjYH ish¿ fokdu idufhka iudodkfhka Ôj;ajkjd olskak'” ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI fï woyia mejiQfha wkqrdOmqr mej;s wd.ñl yuqjla wu;ñks'

uyskao rdcmlaI 2005 jif¾ m,uqj;djg 1] jeä Pkao m%;sY;hlska n,hg m;ajQ w;r 2009 jif¾ hqO ch.%ykh;a iu. kej; 2010 jif¾ § 18] jeä Pkao m%;sY;hla ,ndf.k ckdÈm;s ¥rhg f;aÍm;súks'

bka wk;=rej Y%S),xldfõ jHjia:dj ;=, ;snQ ckdêm;s OQrhg m;aúh yels jdr .Kk iïnkaOfhka jQ iSud whskalsÍug lghq;= l, Tyq 2015 jif¾ § kshñ; ld,hg jir folla l,ska ckdêm;sjrKhla le|jk ,§'

;u úOdhl n,;, iy ;u mjq,a idudðlhkaf.a iydh ;sìh§ isxy, fn!oaO cd;sjd§ n,fõ. iy t,a'à'à'B' ixúOdkfhka ì÷kq fldgia j, iydho iys;j 2015 ckdêm;sjrKhg uqyqkÿka Tyq n,dfmdfrd;a;= fkdjQ whqßka crdchg m;ajQ w;r" mlaIfha uyf,alïj isá ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d ckdêm;s jYfhka f;aÍm;aúh'

Tyqf.a wdKavqjg t,a, jQ ¥IK fpdaokd;a Tyqf.a ifydaorhka mquqL mjqf,a whf.a yeisÍu;a ck;d wjYH;dj,g ijka fkd§u;a fuu mrdchg fya;=jQ nj foaYmd,k úpdrlfhda mji;s'

ckdêm;sjrKfhka mrdchg m;ajQ kuq;a uyskao rdcmlaI foaYmd,k jYfhka ksyඬ njla fyda úY%duhdug leue;a;la olajk njla fkdfmfkk w;r t,fUk md¾,sfïka;= ue;sjrkh yryd kej; n,hg m;aùug wfmalaIdfjka isà' fuu ld¾hh i|yd Tyq;a iuÛ fïjk úg Tyqf.a wdKavqfõ fpdaokd t,a,jQ uka;%Sjreka fndfyduhla fokd iy isxy, fn!oaO cd;sjd§ n,fõ. w;aje,a ne|f.k isá;s'

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