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idrej iqks,af.ka rkackag

ldka;djka ish .Kkla
¥IKh lr mdá oeïfï keye''

iudc fiajd ksfhdacH wud;H rkacka rdukdhl uy;df.ka remsh,a fldaá 50 l jkaÈhla‌ b,a,d wl=/ia‌i m%dfoaYSh iNdfõ ysgmq iNdm;s idrej ,shkf.a iqks,a uy;d úiska kS;s{jrhl= u.ska tka;rjdishla‌ hjd we;'

rEmjdyskS jevigyklg iyNd.S ù rkacka rdukhdl ksfhdacH wud;Hjrhd úiska wl=/ia‌i iNdm;sjrhd ldka;djka ish .Kkla‌ ¥IKh lr mdáhl=;a oeïud'

ta mdáhg foaYmd,k{hkao iyNd.s jQjd, hEhs ta foaYmd,k{ kï i|yka lrñka l< m%ldYh iïmQ¾Kfhkau wi;H nj;a tjeks isoaêhla‌ fldfy;au isÿù ke;s nj;a tu m%ldYhka fya;=fldg f.k ;ud oeä udkisl fõokdjg m;ajQ nj;a Tyq tka;rjdisfha jeäÿrg;a i|yka lr we;'

c'ú'fm' m<d;a iNd uka;%S k,Ska o ch;sia‌i uy;do rEmjdyskS jevigyklg iyNd.S ù ;ud iïnkaOfhka tjeks wmydid;aul m%ldYhla‌ l<ehs i|yka lrñka Tyqf.kao remsh,a fldaá 50 l jkaÈhla‌ wl=/ia‌i ysgmq iNdm;sjrhd b,a,d tk;rjdis hjd ;sfí'


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