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wdKavqj iq¿cd;Skag
i,lk njla fmakak kE

Y%S ,xld wdKavqjg fou< ck;djg fyda iq¿ cd;Skag Woõ lsßfï wjYH;djhla we;anjla fmakakg ke;ehs W;=re m<d;a m%Odk wud;H iS'ù' ú.afkaIajrka uy;d mjihs'

fmr rcho fï wdldrfhkau l%shdl, w;r j;auka rch tu l%shdj,sh mj;ajdf.k hñka isák nj;a th Y%S ,xldfõ wdKavqj, .;s ,laIKhla nj Tyq fmkajd fohs'

wka;¾cd,h Tiafia mej;s iïuqL idlÉPdjlg tlafjñka W;=re m<d;a m%Odk wud;H iS'ù' ú.afkaIajrka uy;d fuu woyia m< lr ;sfí'

tfukau  fou< cd;Skag yd iq¿ mlaI j,g Woõ lsßu i|yd Y%S ,xld rchg n, l< hq;=j mj;sk nj;a" cd;Hka;rh yrydo Y%S ,xld rchg n,mEï l< hq;= nj;a  Tyq tys§ fmkajd § we;'

yuqodj úiska W;=f¾ ck;djg bvï ,ndÿkako ta ,ndÿka bvï ksire bvï nj;a" ire ìï ;jÿrg;a yuqodj Ndrfha mj;sk nj;a iS'ù' ú.afkaIajrka uy;d fuu idlÉPdfõ§ mjid ;sfí'

óg wu;rj tu uy;d m%ldYlr we;af;a W;=f¾ bÈlr we;s fydag,h iïuka;%K Yd,djla f,i Ndú; lsßu i|yd fhdod .kakd f,i ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d Tyqg oekqï § we;s njhs'

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