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mlsia:dk fha ksIamdos;
JF-17 ;kav¾ m‍%ydrl hdkdfõ
m<uq .eKqïlre
Y‍%S ,xldjhs


JF-17 ;kav¾ m‍%ydrl hdkfha m<uq úfoia .eKqïlre Y‍%S ,xldj nj wkdjrKh ù ;sfí' mlsia:dk ..k úoHd ixlS¾Kh yd Ökfha fpkavq .=jkahdkd iud.fï taldnoaO ksmehqula jk fuu m‍%ydrl hdkh FC-1 IshdTf,dka.a fyj;a *sh¾ia v‍%e.ka ^m‍%pKav ulrd& f,io ye¢kafõ'

mlsia:dk udOH wdh;khla jd¾;d lr we;af;a Y‍%S ,xld .=jka yuqodj úiska fuu hdkd 18-24 w;r m‍%udKhla ñ,§ .ekSug kshñ; njhs'

miq.shod 51jk meßia .=jka ixo¾Ykhg iyNd.SjQ JF-17 hdkfha m<uq úfoia .eKqïlre wdishdkq rdcHhla nj ñka fmr mejisKs'

Y‍%S ,xld .=jka yuqod wKfok ks,Odßhl= ish ld¾hd,h ;=< JF-17 hdkfha wdlD;shla r|jd we;s PhdrEmhla m<ùu iu. tu wdishdkq rdcHh Y‍%S ,xldj úh yels njg u; m<úh

mlsia:dk .=jka yuqodj ksfõokh lr we;af;a 2017 jif¾ isg Y‍%S ,xldjg *sh¾ia v‍%e.ka hdkd iemhSu wdrïN lrk njhs'

mlsia:dk yd Ök ksIamdolhska úiska fjk;a úfoia rgj,a ;=< fuu hdkfha m‍%j¾Ok lghq;= wdrïN lrk njo mjid ;sfí'

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