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55 jk jrg;a ixúOdkh flreKq
 fmdf<dkakrej fmdfidka uyd n;a okaie, 
ckm;s w;ska újD; flf¾ ''''

fmdf<dkakrej fn!oaO ix.uh úiska 55 jk jrg;a ixúOdkh lrk ,o fmdfidka uyd n;a okaie, .re ckdêm;s ffu;%smd, isßfiak ue;s;=ud w;ska wo ^02& oyj,a újD; flßks'

ckdêm;s;=ud úiska uyd ix>r;akh úIfhys idx>sl odkh ms<s.ekaùfuka wk;=rej n;a okaie, wdrïN flßks' 

fmdf<dkakrej fn!oaO ix.ufha iNdm;sjrhd f,i ffu;%smd, isßfiak ue;s;=udf.a Wmfoia mßÈ fmdf<dkakrej mQcd NQñh wi< jd¾Islj ixúOdkh flfrk fuu uyd okaie,g w;súYd, ck;djla tla fj;s' 

wo Èk oekaie, újD; lsÍu;a iu. fmdf<dkakrej mQcd NQñh fj; meñK isá w;súYd, ck;djla okaie, fj; meñKs w;r tu ck;dj b;d iqyoYs,sj ms<s.;a ckdêm;s;=ud Tjqka iu. iqyo l:d nyl ksr; úh'

wk;=rej Tjqkag wdydr mdk j,ska ix.%y lsÍugo tla úh' 

fï w;r okaief,a wdydr msiSfï lghq;=o fm!oa.,slju fidhd ne,Sug ckdêm;s;=ud lghq;= lf<ah'

okaie, wo iy fyg foÈk mqrd meje;afjhs'

wo okaie, újD; flreKq wjia:djg W;=re ueo m<d;a m%Odk wud;H fmaI, chr;ak" ksfhdacH wud;H pkao%isß iQßhwdrÉÑ hk uy;ajreka we;=¨ mlaI" úmlaI uyck ksfhdað;hska /ila tlaj isáhy'

^PdhdrEm -  ckdêm;s udOH wxYh& 

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