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u;a o%jH cdjdrug iïnkaO
whg fujr kdufhdackd kE…

u;a o%jH cdjdrï j,g iïnkaO hhs fpdaokd t,a,jk whg fujr ue;sjrKfha § Y%S),xld ksoyia mlaIh iy tlai;a cd;sl mlaIh hk foflkau kdufhdackd Ndr fkd§ug ;srKh lr we;s njg wNHka;r wdrxÑud¾. i|yka lrhs'

u;ao%jH cdjdru ms<sn|j fïjk úg rg;=, we;sù we;s oeä úfrdaOh fya;=fjka fuu ;SrKh .ekSug n,dfmdfrd;a;=jk nj o ta Tiafia oek.kakg ,efnk w;r' 
fndfyda ÿrg wka;rdh T!IO wêldßh úiska ,nd§ug n,dfmdfrd;a;=jk u;ao%jH cdjdrug iïnkaO fkdjk njg iy;slhg m%N, ms,s.ekSula ysñjkq we;s nj;a Tjqyq úYajdi lr;s' ld,fha mdi,a orejka b,lallrf.k úúO wdldrfha u;ao%jH fnodyeÍfï m%jk;djla olakg ,enqk w;r" rfÜ wkd.; mrmqr u;a rl=idf.ka fírd.ekSu rfÜ cd;sl wjYH;djla nj rfÜ nyq;rhlf.a u;h ù ;sfí'

flfia fj;;a fï iïnkaOfh;a lsis;a ;ju ks, jYfhka m%ldYhg m;slr fkdue;'

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