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w.ue;s rks,ag tfrys úYajdiNx.hg
Y%S,ksm weue;sjre keye''

w.ue;s rks,a úl%uisxy uy;dg tfrysj tlai;a ck;d ksoyia ikaOdkh f.k taug kshñ; úYajdiNx. fhdackdjg Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaIfha weue;sjreka /ila wiaika lsÍu m%;slafIam lr ;sfí' fï ms<sn| woyia oelajQ uqo,a rdcH weue;s uyskao iurisxy uy;d lshd isáfha ;uka weue;s rú lreKdkdhl uy;dg tfrys f.k tk ,o úYajdiNx. fhdackdjg mjd wiaika fkdl< njhs'

Y%S ,xld uy nexl=fõ NdKavd.dr ne÷ïlr ksl=;=fõ isÿjQjd hehs lshk wl%ñl;d we;=¿ lreKq lsysmhla iïnkaOfhka w.ue;sjrhdg tfrysj úYajdiNx. fhdackdjla f.ak nj Y%S,ksm iy tcksi uka;%Sjre lsysmfokl= m%ldY lr ;snq‚'

nyq;rhla uka;%Skaf.a wiaika iys;j fï úYajdiNx. fhdackdj l:dkdhljrhdg Ndr fok nj;a" tu fhdackdjg fï olajd uka;%Sjre 80 fofkl= wiaika lr we;s nj;a ysgmq weue;s nkaÿ, .=Kj¾Ok uy;d m%ldY lr ;snq‚'

Y%S,ksm uOHu ldrl iNdj fyda t' c' ks' ikaOdkfha úOdhl iNdj wkqu; fkdl< úYajdiNx. fhdackdjlg wiaika l< fkdyels hehs Y%S' ,' ks' m' wud;Hjreka m%ldY lr isá;s'

fï w;r w.ue;sjrhdg tfrys úYajdiNx. fhdackdjg wiaika fkdlrkakehs ckdêm;sjrhd b,a,d isá nj mlaIfha wdrxÑ ud¾. i|yka lrhs'

20 jeks ixfYdaOkh iïu; lr .; hq;= kï" úYajdiNx. fhdackdj bÈßm;a fkdlrk f,i ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d tcksi kdhlhskaf.ka o b,a,d we;ehs oek.kakg we;'

fï w;r w.ue;sg tfrys úYajdiNx. fhdackdjg úmlaIkdhl ksu,a isßmd, o is,ajd uy;d mjd wiaika ;nd ke;ehs oek.kakg we;' tfy;a ckdêm;sjrhdf.a ksfhda.h mjd fkd;ld Y%S' ,' ks' m' uka;%Sjre Bg wiaika flf<a hehs cd;sl ksoyia fmruqfKa kdhl md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S úu,a ùrjxY uy;d m%ldY lr ;snq‚'

fï ms<sn|j lrk ,o úuiqulg ms<s;=re ÿka wud;H uyskao iurisxy uy;d" Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaIh .;a ;Skaÿjlg wkqj ;uka wud;H Oqrh .;a nj;a" wdKavqfõ isáñka w.ue;sjrhdg tfrys úYajdiNx.hlg wiaika l< fkdyels nj;ah'

w.ue;sjrhdg fyda rù lreKdkdhl uy;dg tfrysj f.k tk úYajdiNx. fhdackd Y%S' ,' ks' mlaIfha uOHu ldrl iNdj .;a ;Skaÿ fkdjk nj lS weue;sjrhd" ta ksid ;udg wiaika l< fkdyels nj;a lSh' fuhg wiaika ;nkakehs lshd lsisfjl= fï jk f;la meñ‚fha ke;ehs o weue;sjrhd jeäÿrg;a i|yka flf<ah

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