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rxckag f*ianqla yryd
uv .ykafka kdu,aÆ
rxcka fy,slrhs

;udg tfrysj f*ianqla iudc cd,h ;=, f.khk wmydid;aul m%pdr msgqmi isákafka md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S kdu,a rdcmlaI uy;d we;=¿ msßi nj fï jk úg fy<sorõ ù we;ehs ksfhdacH wud;H rxcka rdukdhl uy;d mjihs'

ihsn¾ wmydi ms,sn| wmrdO úu¾Yk fldÜGdIh bÈßfha f.dkq l< meñKs,af,a j;auka ;;ajh úuid ne,Sug taIshka ñr¾ fõí wvúh úiska ksfhdacH wud;Hjrhd iïnkaO lr.;a wjia:dfõ§ Tyq úiska fï nj mjid isáfha h'

cd;sl mqj;a fiajd j, ,dxck fhdod.ksñka ks¾udKh lr f*ianqla wvúhg uqod yefrk fuu ms<sl=,a iy.; mqj;a wvx.= fmdaiag¾ ks¾udKh lr fnod yeÍu msgqmi úu,a ùrjxY uy;df.a msßig wu;rj kdu,a rdcmlaI uy;df.a msßi o isák nj u,aId l=udr;=x. uy;añh ;ud yd mjid isá nj ksfhdacH wud;Hjrhd jeä ÿrg;a mjid isáfha h'

u,aId l=udr;=x. uy;añhg fï nj mjid we;af;a m%lg .dhl brdÊ ùrr;ak yd Tyqf.a fidhqßh nj mjik rdukdhl uy;d ta ishÆ yvmg ;ud i;=j we;s njo m%ldY lf<a h'

flfia fyda ;u meñKs,a,g wod< mÍlaIK lghq;= fï jk úg meje;afjñka ;sfnk nj o thg j.lsjhq;= mqoa.,hka b;d blaukska kS;sh bÈßhg f.k taug yelsjkq we;ehs ;ud úYajdi lrk nj o rxcka rdukdhl uy;d mjid isáfha h'

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