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uOq iufhaÈ fydag,hl§
w;=reokajQ ukud,hd
uy u. weúo hñka isáoS

fo,af;dg fydag,hl ish ukd,sh iu. uOqiuh .;lrñka isáh § 29 Èk w;=reoka jQ nj lshk ukud,hd Bg Èk y;rlg miq odrdTh uyu. weúo hñka isáh § yuqù we;'

fufia w;=reoka jQfha fo,af;dg /,suxf.dv mÈÑ hqo yuqod finf,ls' ^33& Tyq hqo yuqodjg ne§ jir oyhla muK jk w;r W;=f¾ fiajh lrhs'

jhi wjqreÿ úis;=kl muK ;reKshl iu. óg udi y;lg muK fmr újdy .súi.;a Tyq ukud,sh le|jdf.k taug wÆ;ska ksjila o bÈlsßu wrUd foudmsh kE ys;;=kaf.a o wdYs¾jdfofhka 29od chgu u.=,a lEfõh'

fo,af;dg isxy," fou< yd uqia,sï ckj¾. tlg jdih lrK neúka Tyqg yd mjq,g ys;j;a fou< uqia,sï ys;j;=ka o fï ux., W;aijhg iyNd.S jQy'

ux., W;aijfhka miq fï hqj< uOqiuh .; lsÍu ioyd fo,af;dg msysá fydag,hlg msg;aj .shy' rd;%s oyhhs ;syg muK ldurfhka t<shg .sh Tyq kej;;a ldurhg fkdmeñKs ksid ukd,sh t<shg meñK úmrï fldg we;' túg tys isá wdrCaIl ks,Odßfhl= mjid we;af;a Tyq t,shg hkq ;ud ÿgq njhs' §¾> fõ,djla fkdmeñKs ksid weh úiska .,y fmd,Sishg fï ms<sno meñKs,s lf,ah'

fmd,sish Tyq fiùug uy;a fjfyila oerejo Èk lsysmh mqrdu Tyq fidhd .; fkdyels úh' fmd,sia ks, iqkLhskaf.a iydh mjd fhdod .;a;o lsisu f;dr;=rla fidhd .; fkdyels úh'

Bg Èk y;rlg miqj odrdTh m%foaYfha Tyq uy u. weúo hñka isákq ÿgq m%foaYjdiskag fï ms<snoj .,y fmd,siShg oekqï § we;' .,y fmd,sish Tyq fidhd.kakd úg la,dka; .;shlska isá neúka m%;sldr ioyd fmardfoKsh uy frday,g we;=,;a lrkq ,eîh'

Tyq fmd,sishg m%ldY fldg we;af;a ;udg uqo,a fkdue;s m%Yakhla ;snQ njhs' miqod ukud,sh ksjig leojdf.k hdug tu uqo,a fkdue;s m%Yakh ;udf.a ys;g johla jQ neúka ta ms<sno l,amkd lrñka fydag,fhka t<shg .sh nj o tfia f.dia ¨,alÿr f;a j;a; me;af;a we;s .,a.=ydjlg ù fuu ta ld,fha § lsisu wyrla fkd,enqKq nj o Tyq lshd we;'

Tyq ffjoH mÍlaIKhlg fhduq ler we;ehs frday,a wdrxÑ i|yka lrhs'

.,y fmd,sia ia:dkdêm;s fmd'm' pkaok ksYdka; uy;df.a Wmfoia mßÈ wmrdO wxYfha ia:dkdêm;s l¿wdrÉÑ uy;d mÍlaIK fufyhjhs'

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