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we<l ;snQ ksrej;a msrsñ
u <isrerl wNsryi
wef<au ;snQ leurdfõ
PdhdrEmhlska fy<sfjhs" .srdÿrefldaÜfÜ ud¾.fha yoao;a;dj" 12 we< m%foaYfha l=Uqrl lmd fldgd >d;kh l, u<isrerla Èfkl l=Uqrg fmdfydr .eisu i‍|yd .sh hqj,lg yuqú ;snQ w;r miqj Tyqka .ïjdiska oekqj;a lr uyshx.k fmd,sisho fï ms<sn|j oekqj;a lr ;snqKd'

u< isrer jhi wjqreÿ 30-40 w;r wfhl=f.a njg tys§ mejiqKq w;r ksrej;ska" uqkska w;g jeá isá Tyqf.a ysfia yd isref¾ ia:dk /il lemqï ;=j, olakg ,eî ;sfnkjd'
isrer wdikakfha we, ud¾.hl ;sì äðg,a leurdjlao .ïjdiskag yuqù we;s w;r th fmd,sishg ndr §ug Tjqka lghq;= lr ;snqKd' 

tu leurdfõ ;snQ fuuß Ñma tflys PdhdrEmhl jQ jdykhl wxlhla Tiafia mÍlaIK mj;ajd Tyqf.a ñ;=frl= ms<sn|j f;dr;=re ,ndf.k we;s fmd,sish miqj Tyqf.a ksjfia f;dr;=re fidh.ekSug iu;aù ;sfnkjd'

miqj Tyqf.a cx.u ÿrl:k mÍlaIdlr tys ,nd.;a weu;=ï Tiafia hñka fmd,sish fydavqjdjla ,ndf.k ;sfnkjd' ta wkqj ñhf.dia we;s mqoa.,hdf.a {d;sfhl=f.ka fmd,sish m%Yak lr we;s w;r tu wjia:dfõ isoaêh iïnkaOfhka Tyq ish,a, fy<slr we;' 

bvul mg,eú,a,la ksidfjka fuu >d;kh Tyq úiska isÿl< njg fukau urKh isÿlrk Èkfha§ fofokdu u;ameka mdkh l< nj;a Tyq mjid ;sfnkjd' miqj le<hla jeks m%foaYhlg mqoa.,hd f.k f.dia msyshlska weK Tyqj >d;kh l< njgo Tyq mdfmdÉpdrKh lr ;sfnk njhs jd¾;d jkafka'


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