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uyskaog Thd f.or hkak
lshk mKsjqvh ÿkakd”'

uu n,hg lEor kE''
msx uka;%Sjre uyskao w.ue;s

lrkak ´kEkï ck;d
leue;a; Wr.d n,kak''

ckm;s OQrh orñka isáh§ fï rfÜ nyq;r ck;djla m%;slafIam l< uyskao rdcmlaI wo miai fodfrka w.ue;s lrkak yok tl uq¿ukskau m%cd;ka;%jdohg mgyeks nj w.ue;s rks,a úl%uisxy uy;d mjihs‍'

ck;dj ckm;sjrKfha§ uyskao rdcmlaIg wmsg Thd tmd Thd f.or hkak lshk mKsjqvh ,ndÿka nj;a ck;dj m%;slafIam l< wh miai fodfrka w.ue;s lrkakg wo W;aidy .kafka ckm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;dg ,enqKq ckjrfï msfkka md¾,sfïka;=fõ isák msßila nj;a Tjqka th fyd¢ka u;l ;nd .; hq;= nj;a w.ue;sjrhd lSh'

m%cd;ka;%jd§ ck;d mlaIfha fufyhùfukauykqjr mqIamodk Yd,dfõ meje;s ckyuqjl§ w.ue;s rks,a úl%uisxy uy;d fï nj mejiqfõh'

ta wkqj ;uka ´k fj,djl ck;dj yuqjg hEug iQodkï nj;a ;uka bj;a l< yelafla ck;djg ñi ffu;%Smd, isßfiak ckm;sjrhdf.a ckjrfï msfkka ;du;a uka;%Slï ork Y%S' ,' ks' m' uka;%Sjreka lsysmfokl=g fkdjk nj;a w.ue;sjrhd mejiSh'

ck;dj m%;slafIam lrkjd kï n,hg lEor fkdue;s ;uka f.or hk nj;a tu wdo¾Yh ;uka óg fmr ,nd§ ;sfnk nj;a mejiQ w.ue;sjrhd ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;df.a msfkka md¾,sfïka;=fõ isák Y%S' ,' ks' m' uka;%Sjrekag ;uka lshkafka Tng ysgmq ckm;s w.ue;s lrkak ´kEkï lreKdlr ck;dj yuqjg f.dia Tjqkaf.a leue;a; Wr.d n,k f,i njo mejiQfõh'

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