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uOQId foaYmd,k msïula fjkqfjka 
.sks is¿j w;g .kS

,la ujg yඬla cd;sl ixúOdkfha iNdm;sksh fukau kj mrmqf¾ m%ùk l,d YS,amskshla jk uOQId rduisxy fukúh kj foaYmd,k .ukhla fjkqfjka m%cd;%ka;jd§ mlaIfhka ish foaYmd,k m%fõYh od ,nd.;a;dh' ckdêm;sjrKfha§ ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;df.a ch.%yKh fjkqfjka wkqrdOmqr Èia;%slalh ;=< md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S ÿñkao Èidkdhl iu. tlaj iqúfYaIS ue;sjrK m%pdrK fufyhqula isÿlsÍug weh iu;a jQjdh'

uOQId jih wjqreÿ fod<yfha§ Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaIfha f;aud .S;h .dhkd lrñka foaYmd,k fõÈldjla u;g mshjr ;enqjdh' óg fmr tlai;a cd;sl mlaIh iuÛ foaYmd,k isÿlsÍug weh W;aiy .;a;o m%;sm;a;suh ldrK fya;=fjka uOQId bka bj;a ùug ;SrKh l< nj i|ykah'

m%cd;%ka;jd§ mlaIfha kdhl *S,aâ udI,a ir;a f*dkafiald uy;df.a úfYaI wdrdOkhl wkqj uOQId rduisxy fukúhg m%cd;%ka;jd§ mlaIfha kef.kysr fld<U wdikh msßkud we;' bÈß uy ue;sjrKfha§ m%cd;%ka;jd§ mlaIfhka uOQId rduisxy fld<U Èia;%slalh i|yd ;rÛ lsÍug kshñ;h' tu mlaIh ;=< lemS fmfkk m%Odk pß; w;r wehg jeä bvla ks¾udKh ù we;s w;r fï jk úg wehg iyh ùu i|yd l,dlrejka iy risl risldúka bÈßm;a fjñka isák njg jd¾;dfõ'

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