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ieu is;a myka jk ne;snr fmdfidka
ux.,Hhla fõjd 
- w.ue;s 

w.%dud;H rks,a úl%uisxy uy;df.a fmdfidka Èk mKsjqvh"

fmrÈ. ìys jQ úYsIaG;u wOHd;añl o¾Ykh wm uõìug Wreuhla f,i ;s<sK jQ W;a;Í;r Èkh wms fmdfidka fmdfydh Èk iurkafkuq' O¾udfYdal rc;=ukaf.a O¾u¥; fufyjf¾ m%uqL ld¾hhla f,i ñys÷ uy ry;kajykafia we;=¿ msßi nqÿ oyu /f.k jevu lsÍu wm foaYfha" ixialD;sfha kj hq.hla Wod jQ ft;sydisl wjia:djls'

ksjy,a Ñka;kh" wúysxidj" ffu;%sh fmroeß lr.;a ks¾u, nqÿoyu"  ovfl,sfha .sh ;siai rc;=uka we;=¿j iuia; ,dxflah ck;dj f;rejka irK hk ieoeyej;a ck;djla njg m;a lrkakg iu;a úh' tu kj Ôjkh ñksia is;ai;ka j,g iSud fkdù md,k ;ka;%hg o" idys;H l,d Ys,amhkag o" lDIs l¾udka;h" jdß l¾udka;h wd§ l¾udka;j,g o iuia; foaYhg o úyso me;sr .sfha h'

nqÿ oyfï jHdma;sh i|yd f,dj lsisÿ ;ekl wdl%uKhla isÿ ù ke;' wkH wd.ïj,g" ixialD;Skag .re lrñka iyÔjkfhka Èú f.ùug iqÿiq mßirhla ks¾udKh lrk wd.ï iy o¾Ykhka w;r nqÿ oyu woaú;Sh jkafkah'  kuq;a  wka;jd§ u;jdo" w¥ro¾YS l%shd ms<sfj;a" m%pKavldÍ yeisÍï ksid uE; ld,fha nqÿ oyfï Od¾ñl Ñka;kh;a" ffu;%Sh mokï lr.;a wúysxidjd§ l%shd ms<sfj;;a wNsfhda.hg ,la ùu fÄockl h'

fï ;;ajh fjkia lsÍug lghq;= lsÍu wm ieuf.a j.lSuls' ndysr j;ams<sfj;a ;=<ska fkdj ienE oyï yrfhka wm Ôú; fmdfydi;a lr.ksuq' mrudo¾YSj wkH wd.ï iy ixialD;Skag .re lrñka iyÔjkfhka Ôj;a fjuq'

ta i|yd ieu is;a myka jk ne;snr fmdfidka ux.,Hhla fõjd'

f;rejka irKhs''''“


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