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ugkx weu;slx ´kakE
ta;a i¾ jhs*agkx 
weu;s lula ke;=ju nE jf.a
flfy<shf.ka ms<s;=re

ysgmq ckudOH weu;s flfy<sh rUqlaje,a, uy;d tcdmhg iïnkaO ùug wjia:d lsysmhl§u W;aidy l< nj;a" Bg mlaI kdhl;ajfha wkql+,;djla fkdue;s nj;a iufha ckm%sh mqj;la úh'

ta nj mejiQfõ tcdm uy f,alï wud;H lî¾ yISï uy;dh' rUqlaje,a, uy;d Bg ms<s;=reo iemhSh' tys§ Tyq lshd isáfha m%Odk mlaI foflka l=ulska b,aÆj;a Pkao ,laIhlg jvd .; yels ;udg tcdmhg hdug ;rï wfyakshla ke;s njhs'

fï Èkj,o rUqlaje,a, uy;d fndfyda fjí wvú j,g mqj;la njg m;aj ;sfí' ta Tyqf.a ìß|f.a nrnrh ksid flfia fyda weu;s lula
.kakg w.ue;s rks,a úl%uisxy uy;df.ka b,a,Su ms<sn|jh'
wfka i¾ f.or hkak nE jhs*af. nrnf¾' uu fï ojiaj, bkafk lekaä iaúia fydagf,a' f.or .sh .uka jhs*a wykafka ljoao fl%dia ´j¾ lrkfk lsh,d' ugkx weu;slx ´kakE' ta;a i¾ jhs*agkx weu;slula ke;=ju nE jf.a',

fufia rks,a úl%uisxy uy;dg weu;slula .kakg msxfikavq jQfõ oehs wm md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S flfy<sh rUqlaje,a, uy;df.ka úuid isáhd' tu ‍mqj; ms<s;=re §ug ;rïj;a fkdják wi;H mqj;la njhs tys§ rUqlaje,a, uy;d mejiqfõ'

fï mqj;a wi;H nj Tmamq lsÍug ;udg yels nj mjik rUqlaje,a, uy;d" ;ud iu. ´kEu kd,sldjl iÔùj újdohlg meñfKk f,ig wi;H mqj;a ujkakkag wNsfhda. lrk njo mejiqjd'

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