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bkaÈhdj Y%S ,xldj w;r ÿïßh yd uyd ud¾.hla‌

Y%S ,xldj yd bkaÈhdj w;r ÿïßh yd uyd ud¾.hla‌ bÈlsÍug È,a,s uOHu rch ;SrKh lr we;'fmd¾la‌ iuqø ikaêh yryd fuu ud¾.h bÈlsÍug n,dfmdfrd;a;= jk w;r ta i|yd bka§h remsh,a fldaá 23"000 la‌ jehjkq we;ehs bka§h uydud¾. weue;s kslska .âldß m%ldY lrhs'

bkaÈhdfõ Okqia‌fldä isg Y%S ,xld fjr< ;Srhg we;s ÿr lsf,daóg¾ 23 la‌ mu‚' fuf,i id.rh yryd bÈlrk md,u ol=Kq wdishdkq l,dmfhau uydud¾. moaO;shg jeo.;a jk nj bka§h weue;sjrhd m%ldY lrhs' 

fuu md,u bÈlsÍu i|yd wdishdkq ixj¾Ok nexl=fjka wdOdr ,nd.ekSug bka§h rch n,dfmdfrd;a;=fj;s' vkqIafldäys msysá mdkandka k.rfha isg Y%S ,xldfõ bka§h foaYiSudjg wdikaku k.rh jk ;f,aukakdru w;r ÿr lsf,daóg¾ 29 ls'

bkaÈhdj nqreuh yd ;dhs,ka;hgo ud¾.hla‌ bÈlsÍug n,dfmdfrd;a;= fõ'

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