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ysr f.j,a mkyl oeïu;a
fï fcdkS uyskao

fjkqfjka lrk igk
w;yßkafka kE''

jir úismylg wêl ld,hla isg foaYmd,kh lrmq fï fcdakSg hymd,kfhka ysrf.or ri ú|,d tkak wjia:djla ÿkakd' wo ta wh n,kjd rdcmlaIjre jfÜ bkak wms jf.a wh ysf¾g od,d yß fï jev ál lrkak'

wms ta whg lshkjd fï fcdkS tl ysrf.orl fkfjhs ysr f.j,a mkyl oeïu;a fï igk w;yßkafka kE lsh,d' fï whg wms lshkjd fïjd fufyu lshmqjdu ,nk i;sfha wdfh ysf¾g wms .kshs'

ta uy;d fuu woyia m< lf<a ksljeráh fldgfjfyr my< wUf,a Y%S mq[a[r;kdrdu úydria:dkfha wNskjfhka bÈ flreKq ffp;Hfha fld; ksrdjrKh lsÍfï W;aijhg iyNd.s fjñks' fuys§ jeäÿrg;a woyia olajñka fcdakaiagka m%kdkaÿ uka;%Sjrhd fufia lshd isáhd'

wo fï rg cd;Hka;r m%cdj tl;= fj,d ‘rElv’ kdhlfhda rc lrjkjd' wfma hqo ch.%yKh wdmiaig yrj,d' uq¿ rgu hqoaOhlg h<s yrj,d' wms fï whg lshkjd bÈßfha§ mj;ajk bÈß uy ue;sjrKfha§ uyskao rdcmlaI uy;a;hd fï rfÜ w.ue;s lr,hs wdmiai n,kafka lsh,d wms fï whg lshkjd'

fj,djg lkak ÿkak kdhlfhla ;uhs uyskao rdcmlaI lshkafka' oeka wysxil ck;dj yeu w;skau ysr lr,d' nvq ñ, wyi Wig kxj,d' uyskao rdcmlaI uy;a;hd yïnkaf;dáka fkfjhs l=reKE.,ska b,aÆj;a Èkk .ufka fï fcdkaiagka,d fl<ska bkak nj wms lsj hq;=hs'

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