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uu tkafka keye
- f.daGd

;uka bÈßfha § foaYmd,khg iïnkaO fkdjk nj ysgmq wdrlaIl f,alï f.daGdNh rdcmlaI uy;d Bfha ^13& mdÿlal Wvquq,a, .,af,ka uyd úydrfha fndaê mQcdjlg iyNd.Súfuka wk;=rej udOHfõ§ka yuqfõ woyia m%ldY lrñka lsfõh'

;ukag nqoaê wxY f;dr;=re jd¾;d fkdlrk neúka rfÜ wdrlaIl ;;a;ajh ms<sn| lsisjla lsj fkdyels nj lS rdcmlaI uy;d lshd isáfha ;u ld,fha wdrïN l< wdrlaIl ;;a;jh È.gu f.k hkq we;ehs wfmalaId lrk njhs'

‘‘ yduqÿrefjda l;dj mgka.;af;a f.daGdNh rdcmlaI foaYmd,kh lrk ñksfyla fkfjhs lsh,d' uu wdrlaIl f,alï f,i isáoa§ rfÜ fyd| wdrlaIdjla we;slr,d ;uhs bj;a jqfKa' hqoaOh wjika l<d muKla fkdfjhs'

bka miq wjqreÿ myl ld,fha § fyd| wdrlaIdjla we;s l<d' iEu ckfldgilgu iEu m<d;lu ksoyfia Ôj;a fjkak mq¿jka j;djdrKhla ilia lr,d ;snqKd' tod ta ;;a;ajh we;slrkak .;a;= mshjr È.gu mj;ajdf.k hdúhehs uu n,dfmdfr;a;= fjkjd'

oeka uu okafka keye' nqoaê wxY ug jd¾;d lrkafka keye' keye foaYmd,khg uu iïnkaO fjkafka keye''


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